Kit Jackson 1967

I always figured the series would end one of two ways, a birth or a death. To Amber's credit, she recognizes that the biological father is in no way capable of caring for the baby, so for now, he is not going to be part of her life. I think she'll send pictures, and let them talk on the phone/skype, but that will be

I admired Lane's car.

Maybe they'll do a TV Movie for "Copper" to wrap up all the storylines. Season 2 ended with multiple cliffhangers, and then the show was cancelled.

I remember the Newtons. My first laptop was an e-mate (if you consider e-mates to be laptops)

Adopting the actual premise of the movie might make a good TV show. The date doctor thing could totally sustain a TV series. Each season could focus on multiple clients.

That totally makes sense. I have heard that there are people born between 80-84, who don't fit in with Gen-X, but don't feel like Millennials either.

What is generation Y? I've only heard it as another name for Millennials, but you're making it sound like it's something different.

I wonder what role generation X plays in this. There have to be some characters from generation X in this workplace.

I'm guessing it's a joke/comment about how bad the economy is, so a young person would be willing to move to the boonies for a job, because they are that desperate for a good paying job.

That's a great story, but there's no way that could happen. I'm pretty sure there's still some version of Standards and Practices for network shows. Maybe, (and that's a huge maybe) this script was written, but there's no way it was filmed. Someone would have said something before it got that far. As someone who

One of my friends and I had an idea very similiar to this. We thought there should be decade specific television stations, the way Sirius/XM satellite radio has decade specific radio shows. A show would be aired on the station it started in, so even though "Happy Days" ran into the 1980s, it would be on the 1970s

"You'll find out." (because "Back to the Future" is awesome and rarely quotable)

In the early seasons, the extras have 50s era haircuts and clothing, and then at some point they stopped caring how the extras were dressed and how thier hair was styled.

If MeTV doesn't have it, CoziTV might.

Satuday, what a day, rockin all week with you (or goovin depending on which version of the theme song)

I want a theatrical re-release in America, of all three movies screened marathon style. Bonus points if the first date of the screenings is November 5th. I want it to run for at least a weekend, or a full week.

If Peter Pan has entered public domain, what is going to happen to the British hospital? Are they still going to have enough money to coninue functioning?

A Butcher, a Baker, and a Candlestick maker, and there's a hot girl involved. She helps out with the old woman who lives in a shoe, who is their next-door neighbor.

I don't have kids, but Sidney's actions seemed awfully Mean Girls to me. Isn't 10 a little young for that sort of behavior? I thought age 10 would be more verbal teasing and outright calling the girl a fatty.

I went to a private school too. Lunch was part of tution, so almost everyone ate the school lunch, except for the one or two kids who kept kosher (they brought lunch from home). The food wasn't great, but it wasn't horrible. There was deli slices so you could always ask for sliced meats and cheese, if you didn't like