Kit Jackson 1967

As a kid, I had my mother check that movie out of the library twice a month. I love the Disney Robin Hood.

I would say two seasons would have made more sense. Have this season focus on Leonard and Penny's wedding, which would be the season finale. Next season, Bernadette is pregnant. The two part series finale involves the birth of the baby, and wrapping up everyone else's storylines.

(sarcastically) Cause he sounds like a drag

You might want a fix a type. the line is "did she up a fight" unless it's supposed to be a joke, in which case (hear this in Emily Litella's voice) never mind.

This is really funny. A few months ago I was telling a friend that they don't do cross-overs as often as they did in the 70s, and then this pops up.

I have no problem with "Pan Am" being on this list, but I think old fashioned music makes sense. The women were too old for rock and roll, and they weren't going to be into folk or folk rock.

I'll bet you're right. PantsGoblin was probably thinking of the feather duster that was a french maid, who had a thing for Lumière.

I think Jon Hamm would be great as Lumière. I don't remember a dishrag. I think you're getting this confused with the flying carpet in Aladdin.

Jon Hamm is Lumière.

My second semester in college, on the first day of class, I had a professor who was talking about how he would not overload us with feedback on our papers. He told us about a golf lesson where he recieved so many tips/instructions from the golf-pro, he was a mess. As soon as he said "I didn't even know how to address

Howard warming up was pure Ed Norton. I loved it.

That was my first thought too!

When Latka Gravas cheats on Simka (he sleeps with another woman) and they try to keep to the old country's customs, and when Bobby Wheeler pretends to be Louie at his reunion, and so many others.

In just seven days (and six long nights) I can make you a snowman…

I'm not from California, so what is wrong with the accents? I didn't know that region had accents.

The character of Rory on "Gilmore Girls" is not a total psycho. She has moments of drama, but it's basically a prime-time teen soap/drama.

I'm so sorry.

It's a perfect storm. Max has autism, which makes it hard. Kristina and Adam make it worse by trying to get the world to bend for him, instead of teaching him how to get along in the world. I know it's hard, but Adam and Kristina could be doing a better job, or hiring someone to help him. They really should have

I wasn't talking about austistic children as a whole. I was talking about Max specifically. I'm not sure we've ever seen reasoning work when his parents tried it. There's no reason why it can't, but I'm having trouble coming up with a time when his parents reasoned with him and explained why something was important,

It's just the first episode. The challenge was about getting the school ready for students to be there. My guess is the best practices type stuff will be in the next episode, or one soon after.