Better than you

I'll also vote to wait until NBC airs the episode. That said, I showed enough self control to only access this page after the current NBC episode aired; no reading ahead.

@ various commenters above: I believe I read somewhere that this idea was truly inspired by the episode of The Office where Michael struggled with whom to lay off and told everyone in the office.

These pictures look nothing like the results I got when I searched "Chicks and dogs" on Ask.com. Oh the disgutsing humanity.

Sister - your analogy can get very existential if you start to think about how you use a rolled up newspaper to beat your dog when they crap on the carpet. Think about it.

I used to get Seattle PI daily when I was in college. Never had a newspaper delivered, though.

@Atama - black men can't be invisible, silly. Except Bryan Gumble.

I 'see' what you did there. Get it - lens…see?

Looks like an ad for Girl Scout Cookies to me.


Seriously, Donna. It's so well written that I questioned whether the book could be written as well. Thanks for being smart enough to make this comprehensible for us dummies.

I believe she has on regular boob and one lazy boob.

I hear Summer in Phoenix is HOT!!!

This weekend, I gave a couple of chicks "the sack." I believe you youngsters call this tea-bagging.

Random service industry interaction: "Mr. Affleck, your fluffer is here."

"Look… it's pretty much common knowledge that he's…big…SURPRISE!!!… coming at the end…interesting?

Ladies, this is just his winterbush. He'll shave for swimsuit season.

The proximity of the articles last words, "There's always next year, Coachella bookers!" and that pictures fools the mind into reading, "There's always next year, Coachella Hookers!"

How could you not include And God Created Woman (1988). Rebecca DeMornay (sp?) totally rocked it! She played music too.

I caught Baby Mama on an airplane and was pleasantly surprised. I had really low expectations but was somewhat captive so I watched. I laughed a lot more than I thought. I agree with the atatement that it will have a good run on USA or TBS.

So did Dice steal Uncle Junior's glasses from the Soprano's garage sell?