Better than you

Even worse then you, I am drowing in a flaming fire of canceraids for recognizing that NBC popped her name up on the screen being spelled as "Klhoe".

I believe the first cringe came well before the challenge actually began when, in the boardroom, Hersch bumbled his own teams name. I believe he proudly exclaimed, "KATO" when the team name is "KOTU".

Yeah, I actually grew up with, and played against, Marijuanovich. The JD storyline is definitely a close parallel - minus all of the weed, of course. Todd wasn't nearly as socially awkward as JD's character, though.

I hear Dolce & Gabanna just announced their plans for a Rip Stick:

How about a nice, greasy sandwich served in a dirty ashtray.

The horn doesn't 'beep';, rather it tells you off in a pithy French accent.

@Haley - that scene made me laugh , too. I was waiting for "I'm just a bill" to start playing.

Um…I believe it's called Freedom New Wave as we transition from Bush to Obama.

Si, senor!

Is this the movie that includes a cartoon of a monkey shot dead by two white cops and the funny caption about the stimulus package? Or maybe that's Madagascar 3?

I'm guessing Mickey Rourke will taste like chihuahua.

Wow - 35 years in the career of Leno summed up as "timely, cheap, and marginally funny."

If it is Lauren Bacall she had better watch her swag bag because Christopher Moltisanti is about to jack her in the parking lot.

I keed. I keed.

@ Prison Wine - I believe the Cards beat in you a in wild card game in 1998 (20-7).

Damn, Noel. I was just using the information provided. Relax. I don't know how much I'd pay for K v. K, I was just saying that I wouldn't pay $28.95 and probably wouldn't go with BluRay. Sheesh.

Obviously you have yet to hear about the new rage: Toddler Spin Classes

For all you 'Boys fans…how sad is it that the Cardinals have a playoff win against you AND an appearance in the Super Bowl since you last won a playoff game. Oh, and…you can now let go of that "we have 5" defense.

Cliche or not but I always loved the girls who were into Morrissey (The Smiths, The Cure) and they loved me right back.

Racialism? Hmm. Ok.