
In his prime, he did beat the Mountain — at the tournament in Season 1. They were jousting on horseback, not fighting hand to hand, and Loras rode a mare in heat, which distracted Gregor's mount.

Cersei and Jaime did not kill Jon Arryn - Lysa killed him for Littlefinger (and also in the books because he wanted to send their son away to be fostered)

He was shouting "Burn them! Burn them all!"

I think the reason that Margaery's conversion was unconvincing to you is that we're not SUPPOSED to believe it. We may not know just what game she's playing but everything we know about the character, the "previously on" reminder that she needs to rescue her brother, and the many reaction shots of her thinky face

I was just thinking that myself!

IMDb cast list had him showing up for the last episode of Season 5 as well. I don't buy it until I see him on screen.

Just because she's working him doesn't mean she isn't also having a real personal crisis of faith.

The choir was singing "Down to the River to Pray," a traditional American spiritual, and performed by Allison Krause on the "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" soundtrack.

FISCAL year of Penny!

Sacrificed himself to save Bran, and left Bran in more danger on his way south, which could open up more possibilities. Also perhaps a sign that as Bran becomes more of a greenseer, his Starkishness is getting left behind.

Crazy fan theories getting confirmed left and right tonight. I legit yelped when the Children created the first White Walker. And poor Hodor!

The play is from one of the TWOW chapters that Martin has released, so technically those are all book characters too.

No, that was Richard E. Grant. Who is also a big enough name that I doubt we've seen the last of him. Arya still has to kill Essie Davis, after all.

She did not use her name. The name is, however, known to book readers.

The spoiler I was referring to is the actual name of the daughter who lives.

She does not say the child's name in the 1950s scene. There's no reason to assume that it's Faith. (Avoiding spoilers here.)

Huh? He says "if I don't watch over you, Father's ghost will come back and murder me."

I can rationalize there being some dead leaves around. Or maybe Dany got the other khaleesi to pour some oil on the ground. The nerd nitpick that I'm stuck on is why Jon, who went to the Wall for what was supposed to be the rest of his life, kept a set of Stark gear handy.

Seriously, were they putting growth hormones in the craft services food or what?

I loved seeing so many women who have been beaten down by the show stepping up to take their rightful power.