
The only armies that beat dragons in the past were armies with other dragons.

She said "that's not you" — which is a callback to her conversation with Ned in S1 when he told her she would become a great lady and marry a lord. She replied "that's not me, that's Sansa."

I felt like the spiral was both being alone and his repressed feelings of sadness/guilt over what he said to Jimmy. You can see him sort of deflate as soon as Jimmy finally leaves I that confrontation scene, and the spiral doesn't begin until after that.

Yeah, they specifically mentioned that he got extra time. I presume they want to keep him bottled up till a lot closer to the BB timeline.

Definite suicide. I wasn't sure at first, but it became clear as he went on: he was "accidentally" knocking over the lantern on purpose.

And of course she also claimed complete ignorance of Star Wars, while Flockhart's real-life husband is Harrison Ford.

Maybe this is SHERLOCK damage on my part, but I think May is Sherlock's sister.

Snart's little speech about how Barry's goodness is one of his powers convinced me that the way this will resolve is that Barry will, at some climactic point in their battle, choose not to create the time remnants to seek vengeance on Savitar, thus preventing the creation of Savitar in the first place and bringing

But I think it was implied that they helped point Badger to Saul. I presumed Jesse just knew Saul by reputation — there can't be that many lawyers willing to take low-level drug offenders on as clients in a small city like ABQ.

Daniel Handler did write the script…

This made me so happy.

Alex, you say that if Darlene hadn't been there, Susan might've just walked away, but it was Trenton who brained her in the first place to keep her from escaping.

She has almost all of the Wise Masters' ships and the fastest ships from the Greyjoy fleet. She revised her estimates accordingly.


I am OK with us not getting the pies, but the man had a stirring speech to deliver! "The North remembers, Ser Davos." There were even reports of a casting call for a northern lord to give a big speech, weren't there?

Also, JON IS GOING INTO THE CRYPTS NEXT EPISODE. If one of the five million fan theories about him finding something Important down there comes true, my head may explode.

How do we NOT get Wyman Manderley? I thought for sure when the Bolton men marched on Jon's troops in that Roman shields-up formation that they were about to break for the Starks…

What else would it be? Way too many clues pointing that way…

Agree about the cut. I am not so sure Jaqen underestimated her, though — it felt like all of this was a test for both girls, and Arya passed.

The actor with the yellowish cloak at the center of the group of BWB last week confirmed that he was playing Lem Lemoncloak, a BWB character from the books, but he was not named on-screen.