
"You yada-yada'd past the best part!"
"No, I mentioned the mutton."

Sansa had no scenes with any of her brothers in which they actually interacted. Just a few big group scenes.

Grandfathered does slightly better, but Fox owns The Grinder. So I have a sliver of hope.

I was actually distracted by thinking "come on, Gus, look at the camera, you can do it" while he was explaining things.

It's very poetic, but it's also quite oblique. I thought they did a good job of getting some of the sound of it into the scene while still helping people who may be unclear about who all these characters are orient themselves to what's going on.

Agreed that Tormund is all about the dick jokes, so that didn't bother me. But I did wince when Varys asked the guard "Can we have the room?" That's not something anyone outside of a recent TV show says.

That's what I presume is going to happen, yes.

The young actor who plays Olly has gotten death threats.

I don't know, he looked like he was the same height as Ramsay. That might've just been the camera angle, but it was disconcerting.

"It's completely fucking mad — and I'm responsible for it!"

We know we're getting some elements of the story from her "Mercy" chapter in The Winds of Winter, which was released a couple of years ago — they've cast some great actors for it.

If Jon has left before Sansa gets there and he's not like right over the hill with the wildlings or something, I swear to god I will burn down the Internet.

I have to admit that I laughed when Kevan said to Cersei that she couldn't be part of the Small Council deliberations — "not unless you're going to have that thing murder us all." Foreshadowing!

No, we don't, but I think I saw Young-Hee's husband collapsing in the "next week on" clips. So maybe we'll learn soon.

I'm interested in the "I've got this one on the hook" smirk she had at the end of that scene.

For all that EVERYONE on this show is amazing, I think Mary Elizabeth Ellis is the secret MVP.

I know that my own excitement for the Kingsmoot has been deeply sarcastic, with a side-order of enjoying the sound of the word "Kingsmoot" - perhaps you are just misreading your Facebook friends?

Why would the Sand Snakes kill Kevan when they could kill Cersei instead? My money is on Littlefinger offing Kevan and Pycelle if Varys doesn't make it back across the Narrow Sea in time.

Exactly so