
I was unsatisfied with the way Roose died until it was pointed out to me that Roose, Fat Walda, and Baby Boy Bolton dying on the same day is an echo of Robb and the very pregnant Talisa being murdered together — and Roose even killed Robb with one of those "you think it's a hug but it's not" moves.

Maybe not, but for having one of his descendants be the Warden of the North and the heir to Winterfell? That's a major loss.

Argh, I can't remember now which HBO extra media piece this was in, but as I recall all of the crew and writers got to pick their own sigils except for Brian Cogman, whose sigil is a barfing monk, because that's a reference to an event D&D would speak of no further but laughed about.

I still believe we're going to get a scene where Jaime has to accept that all the things Cersei confessed to were true, not just something she said to get out of prison. So maybe that part of his plot will get cleared up later.

It felt like something that would happen over a lot more time in the book but for efficiency's sake it all happened in a rush here.

All the redditors who semi-jokingly theorized that Roose is a skin-changing immortal are super-bummed right now.

No, now it ends.

Did not think Roose was going to die just yet, but I suppose his taunting Ramsay with the possibility of being disinherited by the new son was a poorly thought-out decision.

Yes, he's about to go looking for a Stark the last time we see him. He is also the recipient of one of my favorite speeches in ADWD, which I hope they remember to include in the show.

I think he's still on the same boat, docked in the harbor.


That is absolutely in the show - it's the scene when Dany eats the horse's heart - though as I recall the mention that the seers are the dosh khaleen is a "blink and you'll miss it" sort of moment.

Well, since Shiera Seastar and Bloodraven are both Blackfyres, Targ bastards, that would mean Melisandre has royal blood. Perhaps she sacrifices herself to the Red God…

Also, the additional work to do staged deaths with animals, on top of the inevitable outcry from people who don't want to see dogs die in TV and film (see, e.g. https://www.doesthedogdie.com/ ) It's funny to me that so many people are bothered by this, because I have gotten so used to the careful way media treats

This is what I thought happened as well.

Well, if they kill her, and it's clear it was the Baratheons who had her killed, that gives both Viserys and Drogo additional motivation to go fuck some shit up in Westeros.

Dorne isn't even a city, it's one of the Seven Kingdoms. The fact that the map says "Dorne" rather than "Sunspear" is not only a waste of an awesome name for a castle, but should've been our first tip-off that the show didn't fully have a grip on this plotline.

True, they followed her to a large apartment building. I just felt like given that she was only there a few times (it's only been weeks in show time!) that we skipped the step where they figured out which apartment.

How did the FBI find Clark's apartment? Was that explained and I missed it? I don't think she'd have anything lying around with his address…