
After she said she was doing Eartha because she had two cats of her own and Eartha had played Catwoman, I was prepared for the worst. But I was pleasantly surprised at how on-point it was.

I'm sort of expecting one of those Post-Its to have dropped out of Jimmy's pocket in Chuck's house, and then Chuck figures it out quickly. Always fully destroy the evidence, Jimmy!

She actually raised basically the same concern about Fiona's characterization back in episode 2. Sometimes things work or don't work on film in ways you can't tell on the page, though.

Sarah Jones died in February of 2014. I can't find information on when this season was filmed, but I doubt it was a full year and a half ago. "Safety for Sarah" has been a big movement in Hollywood since her death, though. See also, Bridget Regan's tweet of a photo taken on the set of "The Leisure Class." https://twitt

One word for you: Gulager. Nutty as he was, I couldn't help rooting for him.

Ugh. I was really looking forward to the return of this show, but I don't know if I'm up for a hate-watch.

Lord Wun Wun would be awesome. And he wouldn't be brought down by a twerp like Olly, I'll tell you that.

I'm surprised by how many people don't believe Stannis is dead. It's a tragic death scene, totally fitting his character arc.

Why would Ghost not have gone with Jon, though? I don't remember whether he did or not in the books, to be fair, but it surprised me that he hadn't left.

What happens to Cersei.

Yeah, I'm done here. Maybe I'll get sucked back in, but other than a few performances I don't see a reason to tune in next season.

He may also have told her the entire plan after they left Moat Cailin. They're not going to show him explaining all the plot twists to come: they know how to structure a TV show.

I totally agree that Brienne and Pod are taking over the Mance and Spearwives role in Winterfell — it makes the most sense of where they are and what they're doing. I really want to see Brienne kill a bunch of Boltons, which is the only thing that is helping me deal with my LSH grief, to be honest.

Ah, good to know, thanks. I'm still hoping for some bloodshed, though. And maybe a delicious pie or two.

If Ramsay Bolton survives his wedding night now, I would be stunned. So I don't really see the whole "prisoner" angle in the same way you seem to.


I called the Sansa as Jeyne plot twist in the season premiere, and people scoffed. Allow me this moment of smugness.

Nice little touch: the envelope with the picture of Ava comes from the Seattle US Marshal's office, and the name written above the printed return address is "Rachel Brooks." So if we're good with freeze-frame, we know that she got out of Kentucky as well.

Maybe not yet?