
Victoria already had a send-off of sorts, when she sent Ted the locket. We know where she ended up.

Thank you, chyloe. I was coming here to post something similar. Anger is part of grief, and I thought the line, and Romy Rosemont's performance, were totally on-point and believeable.

WHY is it SPICY?

I did like Blaine's shock and horror at heterosexual macking, though.

Tina is a mess of a character, a bunch of overemotional reactions to things that never add up to a person to me. I liked her a lot in Season 1, and I liked her crush on Blaine last year, even though it got seriously ooky, but you can't tell me what she's "about" in the way you can with Kurt, Santana, Rachel, even

I am still unable to listen to "Maybe I'm Amazed" without saying "if you play it backwards, you'll hear a recipe for a really ripping lentil soup."

I choose to believe that the only reason this episode didn't get an A is that it had a professor in a Classics department writing about Beowulf, which is taught in the English department. As the Beowulf poet might say, hwaet!

I agree: they really used the location brilliantly as well.

"Irene" was an American who lived in London, which could, *could* possibly be used to hand-wave away her terrible accent if you must - I've know expats whose accents go wonky.

"Organized crime is supposed to be organized!" Oh, Canada.

June gives Neal some of Byron's old suits in the pilot, so not really…

It takes a little time. You can start in Season 2, but the first season is short enough that it's not a huge investment to make before things really get going.

Also, the loft still all has all of its furniture.

That whole scene, I was torn between shock and awe.

Andre Braugher! I love everything he does on this show: popping, locking, not-emoting, wig-wearing: all of it.

I had the same problem. This is super-bad usability on just some basic best-practices levels, guys - if your form doesn't want people typing in their own answers but selecting "Other," it should not allow you to type in your own answer rather than select "Other." Crazy, I know, right?

I had the exact opposite experience: it's one of the shows I enjoy binge-watching, because it gives me time to settle into and enjoy its rhythms.

Yeah, that was unnecessary.

Well, it is the Williamsburg Music Hall that they're playing, not the Music Hall of Williamsburg, so clearly, the standards are lower.

Beekeeping in New York City was legalized about five years ago. There's actually a reasonably famous story about some local NY bees who got distracted by a maraschino cherry factory and turned out awful, artificial-tasting honey for a season: http://www.nytimes.com/2010…