
I have to say, the move from Ford to BMW as sponsor also seems to include a step up in the quality of the sponsor-driven episode content as well…

Inspired by Ichabod, I'm going to start calling it the "Ninnernet" now.

It's not that his last name was Edelman, which would have been fine, but that there is a prominent African-American lawyer/children's rights advocate named Marion Wright Edelman. So the combination of the two last names together was too improbable to be a coincidence.

I think he's less of a Will-Alicia shipper than he is an anti-shipper of Peter/Alicia. He's had a harder time forgiving Peter for his sins than she has.

I kept being thrown by the Florrick/Agos traitor having the last name "Wright Edelman." Did I hear that wrong? Did Marion Wright Edelman win a "get your name on our show" raffle item at a charity?

I have to assume that the weirdly dropped set of clues leading to both the suspect and the victim having known the now-cleared professor will come back into play. Either Jeffrey met the dead girl at one of the professor's dinners and is lying about it, or the professor somehow used one of those dinners to frame

Thing I learned from this episode: all those years of reading British country-house mysteries, I was completely wrong in how I thought "Marchioness" was pronounced.

Teens and adults with cognitive disabilities are still sexual beings. She may look like a child to you, but the character is not a child, and mercifully the show does not treat her like one.

Chris Colfer had major solos in episode 1, in "Got to Get You Into My Life," and episode 2 in "Get Back," and a minor solo in episode 3 in "Seasons of Love."

Supporting character of color with mystical powers whose sole purpose in the plotline is to come to the aid of a white protagonist. What part of the Magical Negro trope didn't he fulfill? Even diversely-cast shows like SH can end up drawing from the well of racially charged dramatic archetypes, sadly.

Just when you think this show can't get any crazier, they add Freemasons! God bless you, Sleepy Hollow.

Not at all. I also think the fact that the owner is anonymous will come back again later in the season too.

Well, I thought that the conversation Diana and Peter have at the hospital made it clear that Peter still thinks Teddy=Mozzie and Diana wasn't denying that, just saying that there would be other opportunities to go after him. I agree, though, that they are emphasizing Diana's willingness to go against the rules to

A bus in a town where the buses are all still covered in graffiti, apparently.

Everything about Vince Gilligan on this Talking Bad episode screams "contractual obligation." I'll just stick to the podcast they make themselves, if they're still doing that….

Or her other 'associates' will have her killed, either way.

I loved how that one moment of actual science made the entire ridiculous story around it even better.

Love Capaldi. A great choice. But I wanted to smack Moffat really, really hard for this: "I like that Helen Mirren has been saying the next doctor should be a woman. I would like to go on record and say that the queen should be played by a man."

Anyone who is trying to FORGET the way Brendan Fraser looked in "George of the Jungle" is Doing It Wrong. Even straight guys.

It did a really nice job of underlining both how close and how far they are from a traditional "happy ending," with everyone reunited and a wedding.