
She still looked quite the same in the bloodbender trial.

No, but there is some Jon Snow!

I think they have said before that the A+ was reserved in the beginning for classic shows, since there is no way to know if an airing show has reached its ceiling.

He has cut himself a work as a voice actor, as Phineas, so it isn't that bad.

LOL, I hadn't laughed so hard in weeks!

I remember that in the original show the "foxy" joke in "The Library" was totally lost in the traslation to spanish.

Yes and no. The Fire Prince inherits the crown, yes, BUT if the Firelord is defeated in an Agni Kai he/she has to renounce his crown and give it to the one that beat him. The Firelord has to be the strongest one in the Fire Nation after all. Zuko beat Azula (well… with some help, but she was defeated) in an Agni Kai

I have them all. And have ripped some non-soundtrack episode songs. And listen to them quite often. No shame.

He's my fave as well! And Vanessa #2! He's great, with all his complexes and traumas, and his relationship with his daughter, and the ways he tries to be a good father to her, is one of the mos heartwarming elements in the show.

Perhaps because he wasn't going for Extra Comedy here. This take on Spiderman was more serious than USM, where he is used as the main comic relief AND the protagonist, so his dramatic moments tend to lack gravitas, which wasn't the case in this episode.

Shame on them.

"Road to Danville" is one of the best episodes ever from this series. "Pizza delivery!"

I missed Stacy on this episode. She should have teamed up with Isabella and Candace, but alas, too little time.
They could review several episodes at a time (like four 11-min ones) and analyze the pop culture references (tons), deviatons from the formula and continuity/world building. That way they'd have enough to

Well, while I've only watched Ultimate Spider-man they have White Tiger there, so I'd guess they have more female super heroes, just not as popular.

You spelled Doofenshmirtz right! Congrats!
The Marvel heroes look off-model because the animators altered them a bit to make them fit better in the P&F universe, but they couldn't be altered too much, so they're like in the middle.

"My real best friend is Perry the Platy.." (gets punched out from Mitch's spaceship by Perry)

Why does this read as higher than a B+?

I really like the idea of Phineas and Ferb's adventure being parallel to Luke's. And Ferb as a Sith, of course.

Me too! I never thought it would make it to the top spot, to be honest. Seeing it there put the brightest and biggest smile on my face.

Nope, he did it in the books as well.