
Both, even though Talisa is quite likely to die, and it seemed in the books that Jon would end up as heir. Besides, that storyline is the only one that might involve crannogman extraordinaire Howland Reed.

I wouldn't oppose that.

I'd argue that the old gods (spoilers)  gave Bran quite accurate visions of the past through the Winterfell weirwood (not so clear to Bran since he lacks context), and the power/ability/whatever to call Theon from his shock state and put him in action (spoilers). I consider them as powerful/effective (in their own

She's got brown hair, not blond. The lightning made it look fairier, but it's clearly brown when she's visiting Davos.

If I had to be really honest, I'd say that I prefer Talisa to the total and complete tool that was Jeyne Westerling and her (even worse) manipulating family. I still expect her to die, though.

You're right, but I don't see her doing so if her father's/her own plans go on.

Any guesses on the Robb's heir storyline staying or not? As far as I recall he came up with it at the same time as his further strategy on the North, and was practically forgotten afterwards.

It happened twice more that very night…

I wasn't interested in book Jon until he began to fight back in Castle Black, not so much a fan of his time with the wildlings.

I'm thinking he kills her. You know, for maximum impact.

They're oversimplifying Robb's army in order to make the Karstark's departure have more of an edge. His army has the support of more northern houses that only those two, and the support of the riverlords as well, not only the Freys. I don't like this change that much.

In the book a point is made of how no one wants his daughter/relative married to Tyrion, so Sansa is the only possible match they've found (after all this time) for him. Tyrion is young in aSoIaF standards, but he won't remain so forever, and besides is the only one who can actually pass the name along (Cersei can't

"Aegon… sound like Egg"
So that spin off is still in the works, I guess.

Bran adventures aren't very interesting until his "encounter" with Jon, and Theon wasn't needed (IMO) in this season. So I agree.

I wonder if Ser Barristan lied to Mormont. We need the reveal of his deception to set up Mereen and (spoiler) his happy dwarf adventures (spoiler) and there is no other person whe can meet until then who has any possible knowledge of it.

(spoiler?) I'd say they still have a chance (small as it can be) in the books so far.

I hope she dies in the RW. Or is (finally!) shown to be a Lannister spy. The first is my favorite and more likely scenario.

I'm with TWDW in that the deaths will be metioned with the resurrection after the trial. It makes sense/narrative economy.

Didn't they explain them in the first meeting with the Freys?

Those where my exact thoughts! They moved the RW letters from Tyrion to Cersei, it would seem.