
I could see them replacing Tommen/Robyn without problem. Jaime states that he was a year in the dungeon, so I guess that it's been a year since the end of the first season, ergo 1 year per season.

Neither will I. The offer to marry Loras makes more sense, since I guess everyone and their dog in King's Landing knows about Sansa's infatuation with him

SPOILERS RW letters perhaps?

They should do it even if new episodes are airing, as they did with Survivor.

Just to see it mentioned here makes my day.

I don't know whether you're being sarcastic or sincere, but I've always liked Rand's name.

I'd disagree about Gawyn. His defects are quite shown here.

I'm still wondering how the soul transmutation worked. Thoughts? And Moridin!Rand being the resurrected Neo (changing reality just by thinking about it) was awesome and hilarious at the same time. 

I loved the Sharans too! Had to stop after their arrival due to my surprise and to give a "yay, SHARANS" fistbump.
To Murc: Aren't the channelers/dreamwalkers the only ones who can protect their dreams? I don't remember anyone else doing so.

I don't agree with Tuon as the most evil. She has her set of beliefs, and those are certainly not the right ones, but she has also shown some laxitude in them, so much that I believe her quite capable of beginning the change of Seanchan towards a better land. Elaida, on the other hand… And that's not mentioning Padan

I had always been against the "Demandred is in Shara" camp. Somehow, Graendal having pets from there made think that it was her domain, not Demandred's. So my surprise at the HUGE Sharan army appearing in front of Egwene's might have been the biggest in the book. I wonder if Demandred's insanity wasn't partially

In all honesty, I felt that he made peace with it in the beginning of the book, and Aviendha's look into the future implies that he comes back to at least her.

Man, I would love some recognition of its existence!

Man, I would love some recognition of its existence!



It was. And even though VA had better choreo in Starships, Pinball Wizard disappointed me. All those pinball machines do not subsistute great dancing, sorry.

Me too. This is probably the funniest/smartest recap I've read all year. Sadly, Mr. Van Der Werf's lack of coding skills show. :(