computers are for losers

At this point I wouldn't be surprised if a tree fell on a major character, and killed them instantly with zero foreshadowing. GoT very clearly has little sympathy for its characters, and has little problem offing characters in horrific manners if it makes narrative sense. This is part of the appeal. In so much

I can't cheer for the Bolts because they beat my Habs. I'm just happy it's not a Disney vs Disney Stanley Cup final.

I was struck by the similarities between Shireen's immolation scene and the necklacing scene in The Americans.

"I roll with my kitties. I'm hard as fuck" Bubbles

Yeah, I think it's official. Gender politics has sucked the fun out of Game of Thrones.

"Is it right to sacrifice one person to save many people?" definitely a key moral question. On the face of it, the answer is a resounding YES. the math is pretty clear what the answer is. However, reality rarely, if ever, presents people with such clear cut consequences. It's more likely that sacrificing one MAY save

yeah fucking hate it when Disqus does that. I blame Stephen Harper

yeah I get why they stopped rowing. It just seemed kind of stagey and unrealistic given that they were just running for their lives. little stuff like that sticks with me more than the Sansagate. Like characters not shivering or wearing hats when it supposed to be bitterly cold. I'm weird like that.

Danrion Lannigaryen The Storm Imp

just saying, if The Army of the Dead is gathered menacingly on a beach staring me down, I'm going to want to get away at a speed faster than drifting-away-for-dramatic-effect.

"ROW THE FUCKING BOAT!" I yelled at the TV during that closing scene.

Agreed. The reveal of the grandma being the great aunt was spit-take worthy.

I feel you, AI is scary. my point wasn't to argue for the personhood of AI in the real world, but point out that Kent was willing to take a principled moral stand of behalf of a character who was denied her freewill, and thus he doesn't deserve the "creepy" sentiment. If Otherspace was a Vernor Vinge novel, the

I'm probably going to get shit on for saying this, but I have to take issue with referring to Kent as "creepy". he's certainly perceived as creepy by the crew "Kent, I have to ask you not to make eye contact with anyone, we've been getting complaints". But as a viewer I can judge a character on information other the

"somehow the goat… it got away"

Instant mashed potatoes; a part of our Canadian heritage.

Gruyere, Streit from Switzerland.

Sold. thanks much!

I'm curious about this show. I like sci-fi and fantasy, but I'm concerned about the romance element. Is this show exciting to watch or is it just a lot of people-coming-to-terms-with-stuff?

On the hockey front, I managed to not pee my pants watching the Habs game last night. Right now I'm watching Canada skating like pylons against the Swiss.