computers are for losers

I finished watching one of favourite TV shows, arguably the greatest Canadian TV series ever, Ken Finkleman's The Newsroom. 20 years later, the muffin jokes still pop.
"I'm on to your scheme. You put the one nice slice of banana on top and you put the four shitty slices in the muffin"
"Apple Bran?! You know 90% of the

but they stole my gazebo!

oh, also for any Canadian TV fans checking this out. Our original awesome "The Newsroom" is available on Youtube

Emily Hampshire as Stevie really makes this series work. David on his own is pretty whiny, but Stevie takes the piss out of him, which makes him hilarious.

it took a lot of self control not to do a spit take all over my pc when I heard "she does her BM in the PM"

The original is……….. Tatiana Maslany! *duhn, duhn, duhn*

I remember Helena being put on a plane at the end of last season. Seth was mumbling something about a meal he had in Turkey before his brain scrambled. so, I'm thinking the castor clones have to travel a lot for the various covert ops. so presumably, the base isn't in Canada. My guess would be Afghanistan.

This episode was an A for me simply because of Nicholas Campbell playing Finch. Campbell has a funny way of improvising with his lines.
"this idiot? I dunno him."

she's got great… tracts of land

Less Than Kind was probably one of the best shows I've ever seen. But American audiences didn't have ready access to it.

It's pretty obvious to me, given the utter lack of Trailer Park Boys reviews. What in the great green fuck is up with that?

@Tasha, that's hilarious. I'm a huge Rush fan myself, but I'll admit that the biggest barrier to Rush expanding their fan base is their existing fans' lack of social skills.

I don't think I've ever avoided anything out of spite of a particular person. however, I've definitely stuck with shows longer than I should have because of my friends exhortations. I made it till about half way through season three of Sons of Anarchy before realizing that I was forcing myself to enjoy something I


The slogan for the Stanley Cup playoffs is actually whatever hockey/GOT pun you can think of viz. "A Landeskog always pays his debts", "A Song of Price and Fire", "A Clash without Kings", etc…

Lindybeige is pretty funny. He also really fucking hates how torches are used in movies and tv shows, which I've come to appreciate. Just use a damn candle.

I strongly recommend watching the jets/ducks game. The Winnipeg whiteout will be in full effect; the most intense fans in sports.

The next time someone stares at me in abject horror I'll just assume they have been recently baptized.

Aslaug is basically the Britta of Vikings

Grace Under Fire is actually my favourite Rush album. Between the Wheels is pretty much the perfect song.