
She was already roughly 8-12 hours into the symptoms (based on the 10AM ingestion timeframe) and Ricin can kill in as little as 36 (credit to a National Geographic article related to BB for that info).  She would be dead in as little as a day (2 max) and furthermore (as others have said) most of the people she would

Huge Jacked Man, go fuck yourself for trying to ruin Calvin and Hobbes for everyone.

I'd say Classic Simpsons > Classic (Fox) Futurama > New (CC) Futurama > Newer Simpsons.

he was inside the protective thing (rock?) at the start of the ten seconds being reset, so the button didn't "know" where he was and wound up recreating the universe without him, supposedly "erasing" him from time.  Instead it just pulled him outside our timeline

They kind of set it up in this episode; the professor said they would go back to before he conceived of the button, so in reality they are going back to right after Fry decided to propose.  It's ambiguous enough to allow them to continue (if and when), but final enough for this to be the end (if not and never).

Calvin and Hobbes ending is just fucking perfect (I just finished rereading them)

"I tried to fix it once, but then I got mad and hit it some more" is one of those quotes that just defines Fry's character by itself.

I do think that's what the professor said.  But still, it was a cool bit of meta

They could have run it a bit longer, but whatever, it was still great

I thought the immediate jump to the first ep after this one ended was an inspired move on someones (CC?) part.  Also, This is a classic from a classic show; that's really all I can say at this point.

Goddammit! Now I'm thinking about the dog and tying it to the show as a whole. (types through tears welling up)

So, to recap, "office workers" are evil for working in such a system, not the system itself.

Because people change too much in 10 years for anything in the show to be relevant.
 Because while the" in universe" show may have started with the beginning, it by no means has to include the events of every episode, due to what I like to call editing.
Because even if the whole show were broadcast, 201 episodes is

Actually I'm pretty sure that the internet was the worst thing to ever happen to quality animation, and possibly humanity as a whole.

Really?  THAT is the biggest tragedy of 9/11.  Not the 3000+ innocent deaths, not the thousands of soldiers and trillions of tax dollars spent in ill-advised retaliation, not the decade of fear and the loss of rights, but that a single animator and writer failed to die.

And you just wished for the death of a complete stranger whose only interaction with you has been through a TV set, a medium that is in your full power to turn off.  I do believe that makes you evil.

Also, I love it anytime the number 42 is referenced anywhere

For who and in what way?  I didn't think it was outside the realm of any of the characters (even Stan, who I am assuming is the one you are referring to in your comment).  Every person on the show has done some depraved and despicable acts, and Stan being against something before utterly going overboard in the other

Um….who in that family DOESN'T potentially have HIV or some other VD?

Wow, you must be really fun at parties