
I agree with the B+ grade.  Sure, not everything landed, but I don't see any of the characters acting outside of their norm in this one, and there were some great moments (I loved the answering machine, and found great enjoyment in watching the ground slowly rise behind Stan/Zombie Klaus as he flew upside down through

1) (tie) "Blood Crieth Unto Heaven" and "Lost in Space!"
3) Adventures in Haleysitting
4) Why Can't We Be Friend's?
5) Spelling Bee My Baby

Overall I agree with the grade; it's a solid episode with some absolutely great moments (Roger's C-Plot on the answering machine, and the whole "Flippity Flop" airborne sequence).  Also, I firmly believe that an season that started with a skinned Jeff should end with a disemboweled, legless Stan/Klaus

"Lost in Space" marks the third or fourth time I've bought music because of an American Dad episode

My favorites are "Can You See the Light" and "Avant Guardian Angel Dust".  That last one might also be my favorite song title ever.

I could see Emperor Zing telling him that bit about being "the decider" (it would fit with Roger's narcissism quite nicely) so that Roger would go along with it willingly and not cause a major fracas (Zing is in politics, after all)

And personally, I think that when TV Club Classic revisits AD in 2020, your comment will be hilariously wrong.

I could see this being 40 minutes easily. Its still a great episode as is though