I was watching American pickers with friends...
I was watching American pickers with friends...
Agreed, all the singles are kind of rote—especially when they’re all, like, name-drop your most famous soundbite from your season. “Drag Is Not a Contact Sport!”
This episode absolutely wrecked me. I was CRYING! Only two other moments in the show broke me similarly; the first was when Lucifer had to go to Hell to get the cure to Chloe’s poisoning, and the second was when Amenadiel actualized those wings to bring Charlotte to Heaven.
There’s twisting the knife and then there’s sending a kid in to do it. The hospital waiting room scene from when Trixie enters to the end was like having the knife removed, plunged back in to the hilt a half dozen times and THEN twisted. “Gutting” is an understatement.
I did love Maze going on the warpath though.
I have to say, these two episodes absolutely gutted me emotionally. It’s good to see Lucifer tackling serious drama, but I sure hope we see a little more of Dan in season 6.
Chloe did jump the gun on quitting the police force, but it’s for a very good in-story reason: She’s burning the boats so she can’t retreat. It’s her telling Lucifer “I’m all in with you on this.”
I guess that’s what a police funeral would look like, but something about Chloe in full cop eleganza plus Amenadiel’s decision, gave me bad vibes. I had never thought about it, but I love your take that he would choose to be a therapist too.
Oh hai from 2021...it’s...slightly better.
Sir, this is an a...
Okay, fair point, kind of agree.
I think that’s bit rough. It’s an opinion piece by someone who’s life was directly and negatively affected by this film.
at the end Ru says “The winner is...who cares?!”
implies objective truths where there are none
What happens if you leave the axe in?
Must say I enjoyed it a lot. I’d always wondered when a mock-real-life version would happen, and now thinking about it — OF COURSE it had to be an animation.
And the grandkids still can see their grandparents Hugh and Liv at the house anytime they want and play with Abigail forever and forever. I feel the Hill House here has more in common with the Overlook Hotel than the Murder House.
Exactly. The “It’s Boring” comment is by folks who don’t watch and/or remember what those films used to be like.
I love the shitty editing myself. One second a car is driving down the road, and the next, it’s just gone. It’s a gimmick in this for sure, but it’s a fun one.
I’m reading these reviews in 2020, as I watch TNG as part of my quarantine (spoilers guys: there’s a pandemic here and society is on the brink of collapse!)