My Sister is a Werewolf

See I love Shangela but I have the exact same issue you have with her with Trixie.

My only real problem with Thorgy’s version of Stevie Nicks is that she kept the Thorgy Thor face instead of going for a more subtle beauty make-up.

Thorgy has been a mess in these 2 episodes of All Stars and I really do think she needs to stay as far away from Drag Race related situations as possible because it seems to not be good for her mental health.

Can I just wave my bullshit paddle on Kennedy’s “freestyle dancer” defence?

Trixie just isn’t crown material. She’s funny and witty, but in a decidedly low-key way which is never going to prevail in a drag queen competition. She gives great (talking) head, which is why she has her own TV show and internet series, but her fans are foolish if they think that translates into all-conquering diva.

In his LSFYL, Ben made a meta commentary out of throwing in the towel, with his exaggerated aping of Shangela’s moves. Not my fav and definitely think he went as far to the line of phoning it in as he be possibly could

Is Ru really that much taller than the rest of them? Wow 6'4". For reference Vanessa Williams is 5'6"

Sasha is a perfect creature. I love love love her.


Okay, I’ve read the whole thread so far, and nobody seems to have mentioned it yet; but WTF was that with Kennedy’s runway look? Am I the only one who thinks that ish was no improvement over he crystallized hooker/rooster from S7?

It’s unfortunate that she spent so much time hand-sewing those stones when it just

The bubble was a well deployed stunt, but the execution was really off. Hated her outfit without the bubble too.

Good start, but I’m hoping we’re not in for another drawn-out discussion among the queens about the correct criteria for sending someone home. The weirdest thing to me is that they act as if the only two possible options are: 1. eliminate competition or 2. follow the judges’ opinion (which is never all that clear

Chi Chi made it to the top 4 I would say that classifies as an All-Star. I don’t think Thorgy, Milk and Aja are really All Stars given their preformances on their respective seasons. But Aja having this early win makes me excited to see where she’ll go.

I think the judges being such a big part of the regular season hurts the transition to a format where their opinions are less important. The fact that they get so heavily judged kind of guides the Queens to consider the critiques because it’s going to really influence the audience at home.

I wonder if part of it is because Chi Chi’s fanbase is a thousand times larger than Morgan’s. Less angry fans. I think it was smart to do what she did, BUT I’m also a massive Dela fan, so, grain of salt.

Hey all! This was my first time watching RPDR live with friends, instead of binging it by myself, and it was SO. MUCH. FUN!

Does anyone else miss the Mike Ruiz wacky photo challenges on the first episode? I Ru-watched the previous seasons on Logo over the week thanks to their marathon. He seemed to disappear after season six. I get that the variety show style first ep gives the queens a chance to show everyone how much they’ve grown as

Hello from the Greys!

Yeah exactly, even if she’s going to play that game, there was no reason for her to announce it to the girls, at least until she was actually in the top and making her decisions.

I didn’t really like Dela in her original season. She played the “who me?” routine a bit too thick. And I know Darienne Lake is not a fan fave but she won those two lip syncs fair and square.