Shangela really wants you to remember that RuPaul had her come back in a box. She can only mention that so many times before it defines her, and she doesn’t want to be defined by a box.
Shangela really wants you to remember that RuPaul had her come back in a box. She can only mention that so many times before it defines her, and she doesn’t want to be defined by a box.
It was super weird to hear that all of the queens thought BenDeLa had dropped off the face of the earth, considering that she’s doing all sorts of stuff in Seattle all the time (writing/performing one-man(queen?) shows, writing and performing in plays, the Atomic Bombshells burlesque... plus she was in Provincetown…
I wish I could see what everyone else sees in Aja. Criticisms of her makeup are often misinterpreted as digs at her skin,but sloppy and poorly-blended lines have nothing to do with skin quality. I felt like her performance in this episode is Way Beyond anything I expected from her, but is that because the bar was so…
DeLa won the mini-challenge, the maxi-challenge <i>and</i> the lip synch. Three victories in one episode must be some kind of record.
After a long night of hooking!
I think the correct usage is “breakiest of deal breakers”. It’s in the Oxford somewheres.
I’m kind of surprised they didn’t use the vanilla cookie base for this. I mean, the ideal cookie would be a cinnamon spice type cookie, but of the two standard bases they have chocolate seems like the worse option.
I thought I’d love these, but I ended up giving them away. The cookie/filling combo just never meshed for me. I found myself wanting chocolate cookies OR Red Hots, but not the combo that these tasted like.
Honey, what’s this? What’s happening? What’s going on?
It is possible (but not likely) that the actual Gibborhim are at the bottom of that hole. ....Which means Molly dropped a truck on their heads, so that’s funny.
It’s like they don’t realize Runaways has more than one story arc to pull from. There’s easily 4-5 seasons worth of plot in the source material; they didn’t need any padding.
Marvel debuted *7* new shows this year (5 in the MCU, 2 in the X-Men franchise). The Punisher, Legion, and The Gifted were, to my knowledge, well-received (some of the negative reviews for The Punisher were really just gun-control diatribes). The Defenders was a’ight. Runaways decayed exponentially as the season…
Haven’t seen the finale yet, but by the end of episode 9, “dull” was definitely the word that sprung to mind. This show had a decent enough beginning and I kept hoping it would get off the ground. But the season was just so much wheel spinning, missed opportunities and low stakes. And then the “cliffhanger” before…
This was the episode that made me actually angry at the pacing and focus choices of this show. When they started writing this show, they had to have some idea what would be the core narratives heading in to the final episode and what were the central relationships. So if they knew that and were planning on having…
I also kept wondering if it was Karolina, but it just would make zero sense from the context of that escape or how she got captured for that matter. Additionally, based on what they established here, she seems like the only person who might be able to stand against Jonah. Although knowing this show, that would…
I enjoyed this show because of the promise it showed. I wonder if they had a finale in case the show wasn’t going to be renewed for a S2 or if there always was the plan of a S2. I enjoyed the actors’ work; Jonah as a villain is probably not worked out enough, but Julian McMahon really gives such a great sense of…
It helps that it is one of the best cast comedies I have ever seen.
Yeah,any work-related trip like that would likely be logged in a few places, not just with her husband. Not to mention that we have no idea how Mia disposed of Shatia’s car.
I kind of figured that the computer was running lots of interlinked, interactive simulations, like person A and person B is one, but they are also running simulations with different partners and how each of those relationships effects every other pairing.
Well this one was pretty forgettable but decent overall, I’m probably looking at it through a harsher lens following the two best episodes of the season. Overall pretty solid and season and nothing terrible. I’m pretty convinced right now that the only truly bad episode of Black Mirror so far has been “The Waldo…