The Holy Hand Grenade


Ironically their cocks don't lean right, but all look like trees from The Lorax.

Twincest: not just for Lannisters or advice columns anymore

And I don't believe in magnets either, and yet here we are.

Back in the early days of smart phones an older friend of mine joined Facebook. Dude had no idea how things worked but knew that he liked the Facebook group sharing pictures of hard cocks.


1) LL Cool J is being honored as a "hip-hop pioneer", I guess, but he's been a "CBS Procedural Mainstay" about as long.

Is this like some Rorschach test? Because I always see the same

The word you're looking for should be "plowed".

The plot centers around men having dinner with women other than their wives, and it all apparently devolves into murder.

Right now it appears most of 45*'s tweets are ignored until actual written policy instructions or procedural instruments arrive (like that tweet banning transgender personnel).


I have never seen this character but my guess would be: black guy?

Our current president arguably gained respectability through a ghost-written book, so a super villain who secretly molded a generation of assholes is feasible if not too close to home.

Think of it this way: judging from the pictures and the fact that there's over a billion Chinese people, the percentage of Chinese Minion cosplayers is lower than Americans who want to destroy healthcare.

Not medical, but "moral". There have been a lot of documented cases where LGBTQ service members got targeted by their ranking officers and given dishonorable discharges on some bigoted WarBoy-wannabe fuckstick's recommendation.

Trump will a) fall asleep through most of it, and b) at the end wonder why everyone is so mean to the nice landlords in the big towers

I only hope that whoever debates him next straight out says that he will have a unique monument built in his honor - a gold plated toilet, so that future generations can piss on his name. Then refer to his children as Tiffany Maples, Barron Knavs and Ivanka Kushner.

Nah…It's Luc Besson, so he's already banking on residuals from Taken-related stuff to fund future movies even if they have to scale down some. Also, EU tax write-off.

Uncle: "That's easy. We need more white men."