The Holy Hand Grenade

Don't forget Faygo

Stay strong and prosper out there.

Whether or not the commenting continues, you continue being your magnificent selves.

I get the don't fuck nazis part.

I've been commenting since about 2007, before accounts were required.

In a twisted act of evil, Bannon then announced the switch of Breitbart to Kinja.

I'm going out on a limb here, but what if she just wanted your attention?

"I wonder what Rob Cohen or Chris Columbus are up to?" - same executive, completely unrelatedly, c'mon.

Their dipshit cousins, The Coal Rollers, also need a shoutout.

Look, this Cowboys fans situation is bad on many, many sides. Many sides. Eagles fans aren't innocent.

Usually when I hear that, my response is "all things being equal, why are you arguing for the Nazis' side then?".

The Nazi stuff is just something these fuckboys latch onto, but their true love is the KKK which goes back to Antebellum times. The same one that had control over several states' governance for a while and were able to hold parades in the nation's capital.


The Articles of The Confederacy says fucking otherwise.

Hey those statues have value, man.

Somehow I feel like any movie based on this will play like the opening of Irriversible, where the audience feels like vomiting and dreads anything that comes onto the screen next.

Having your birthday on a pre-existing holiday and having your birthday specifically established as a new holiday are totally the same thing.

I define 'Trump holiday' as a day where I am not reminded of that motherfucker's existence. I look forward to a permanent Trump holiday.

The Honorable Senator from Utah later said that he needed to clean up all the santorum after raw-dogging Mitch McConnell.

Sure, but Napoleon did lose a few battles by prematurely ejaculating his muskets.