The Holy Hand Grenade

Imagine having racism acted upon you, though.

We need Drunk Peter Dinklage Hula-Hooping.

Another popular show with: sexposition scenes, a scene that (let's be charitable) depicted rape by cutting out the parts where consent is given and they don't realize they edited a sex scene into a rape scene, a bunch of other rape scenes that were there because "it's what people do in this world".

Shit, 99% of the leaks are Bannon and Kushner factions trying to cut each other's legs.

Trump is a treasonous motherfucker, sure.


"No, sir. He's just molesting it at this point."

Doing what was right in 2015-16 is different from doing the right thing in 2017, though.

I…was not able to pretend to give a solitary fuck, nor actually give one.

Your cousin?

And she's here to talk about the meeting that was supposedly about Russian orphans……We're through the looking glass here people.

Having suffering a whole day with a visiting client who spent all day "proving" to us trying-to-do-our-fucking-jobs-snowflakes that 3 million "illegals" are getting free homes, cell phones, and voted for KILLARY, I don't need to read that shit.

"Chaos reigns"

[Tipper Gore looks over at Al, and then she started to grind…]

Joint me and our Giant Meteor Party. At least we promise a great tan 10^-2 seconds before your face gets blasted off your skull.

Great, now we're going to get some Alex Jones rant next week about sex-trafficked Martian parakeets.

Angela Merkel?

So……we cast a brunette Emma Stone then?

David Alan Grier has his porn collection at the ready for this Ultimate Becky Challenge.

Elsewhere on the internet (The Root I think), an awesome proposal was made: petition every street that has a Trump property to be renamed Barack Hussein Obama Blvd./Rd./etc., even fucking Pennsylvania Avenue. Remind Trump every time that he will always be inferior to Obama in every way.