The Holy Hand Grenade

Sometimes I recommend simple brevity: Trump: Fuck That Guy.

I was surfing around because Daily Show was on reruns, and landed on MSNBC where Brian Williams was asking Katy Tur for her opinion, and I ended up with this strong urge to drop kick every motherfucker who defended this scraped up pile of dry cum with a bad pube wig. Also, Tur had that PTSD look every time she

That's right! Trump just murdered Skynet with his superior mindfuckery. yur welcome.

I've seen the plants where they make this type of shit. There's usually three design schemes for the exact same product: FOURLOKO ELECTRIC BRAH, Classy Lavender Patterns, and Vague Asian Religious Iconography.

Adding Goldblum makes it work!

I'd like to introduce you to Mr. Walk and Mr. Chewgumatthesametime.

He's ugly on the inside, and the bile makes itself visible from the outside.

I'm 75% sure Trump tried to ask "jokingly" if one of the Sergiys can give Farenthold or Comey some kind of special tea, only to met with the coldest "You dumb motherfucker" look.

A systematic dismantling of public education, environmental protection, and the requirement that you have to make factual statements or get shunned by society.

I'm sorry to report that your food tested positive for pubes.
All of it.
Somehow also including cat pubes.

Arby's: Because you should declare war with your toilet.

The grisly details: Bill called up Ivanka and started masturbating loudly over the phone but it turned out he dialed Donald's number. It was the hottest sex either man had in years.

He's news [because he's an unhinged irresponsible lunatic who is harming actual victims of violence]. Kelly did her job [by generating buzz and ratings, but not actual journalism or good interviewing]. [I want to come off as authoritative so I'll end my post with] Period.

I cannot wait to hear how the jurors deliberated in the Castile case.

My next staging of Jesus Christ Superstar will have an epilogue where actual Christians are select from the audience and fed to the lions.

And the free-association word today is: Reichstag Fire.

I chose not to watch the Oliver Stone interview specials and this reinforces my decision.

"No no no no…I meant the character's name is Aereola. Aereola Pops."

Shit, I spent eight hours cleaning up before coming here and I'm knee deep in shit again.

Which one was always trying to bang his daughter again?