The Holy Hand Grenade

[Just found new symbolism in that scene from Evil Dead]

*45: "The bullshit knob goes to 11"

Temporary Cock Storage Units

Welcome to normalizing.

You know that scene where Groot sprays pollen all over the place? Yeah, that's some flora bukkake right there.

Doesn't that kind of depend on where you are in relation to the sucked cock? [ref. American Gods ep. 2]

Lab Tech: "Sir I just ran an analysis of Republican electoral ratio compared with livestock rape cases ratio. The correlation will blow your mind!"

Goddamn now I want Aziz Ansari to be Iron Fist.

I don't know how often I've said it, but I'll say it again. I will eat healthy, exercise, and live well, with the sole goal of outliving these GOP cocksuckers and piss on all of their graves.

Lau was never truly cosidered as a straight-up action star in Asia probably because of his start in tv soaps, a side career as a pop crooner, and the fact that even his early "action" vehicles were promoted outside of Hong Kong as 'Andy Lau will fight for his girl'.

The malice is real. It's coded into the laws, preached at the altar, executed in the streets. People who are nice to their black neighbors' faces but cheer the death of black youths in faraway cities are no less malicious.

Well, yeah. He's got to be loving the attention right about now.

Nah, you can have Samuel L Jackson play James Bond and answer the accent/skin color question with DEEP COVER, MOTHERFUCKER.

Any year old white fucks don't get to freely abuse someone is a PC world.

Blitzer is the real life Brick Tamlin.

Do black people exist? Do brown people exist? If yes, then these motherfuckers find their very existence an affront to the power structure.

I don't know about fun, but I know if they fail 99 times and succeed once, we're still all fucked.

"Look, they just put up a phallus stand-in in the middle of an intersection. You're a dick, right?, so just go stand there. Boom! Living monument."

Law of Internetting c.2017: If it could be done, then it MUST be done, and livestreamed, and have at least three people masturbate to it* being done.

So…the Gerard Depard-two?