The Holy Hand Grenade

I don't know if it's make-up or lighting, but she looks like proof that hatred will make a 24-year-old look like a bunch of hard miles of dirt road.

My first thought: now these rich motherfuckers will live even longer? I had Trump dying while straining to take a shit in my office pool.

1) it's the first time the larger gang gets together and the character dynamics was a pleasant surprise.
2) you don't know til the end if Vin Diesel and The Rock will fuck.
3) above-average cleverness of the capers in the movie.
4) the WE ARE FAMBLY thing was not pounded to death quite yet, and it was half way convincing.

Esteemed Mr. Viking,

"He/she's not me" = "He/she's no angel, and therefore deserved it."
That is one train that is never late.

The post-credit stinger was archival footage of people trying to hang on to helicopters during the fall of Saigon.

He reacted like a guy who doesn't want to miss his patients' appointments and got cold-cocked for his troubles.

that…doesn't narrow anything down at all.

He dressed in baggy pants, strong-armed a box of cigars at a Piggly Wiggly in 1965, released a rap video on YouTube once, and made the Chicago Airport Police fear for their lives.

* All monetary reimbursements are presented as airline vouchers.

….and this is where Brad Pitt developed a thirst for Naahtzi scalps.

"Deep Uranus" works just as well, yeah?

In related news, I have toe jam.

Here's a rule of thumb:
Likes =/= votes
Thumbs up =/= actual monetary donations
Shares =/= actually helping the disenfranchised attain actual equality

"Lie down and play dead"…. I see she's up for a position at O'Reilly Factor then?

Racist sorority girls who want to have Trevor Noah's abortion?

He moved on Twitter like a bitch.

So you're saying Dave might/will show up on Colbert? Please?

Well, here's the thing people forget about angels on earth: no dick = nonstop cunnilingus. Meg Ryan's character figured it would be the same in the afterlife.

Yeah, that film marked several prescient and problematic things for me: