The Holy Hand Grenade

[bad guy corners Lundgren in milk factory]

"It's fRied Rice, you pLick!"

You realize that as soon as Jeeeeeem Nantz just says "throw the ball", the Patriots will baffle the whole league by throwing touchdowns with baseballs, right?

Why would you subject brown dicks to this nonsense?


Those lawyer ads that promise everyone under the sun has been aggrieved and should join a class-action remind me of Chris Rock making fun of medicine ads: "Do you have a condition where you go to sleep at night, and you wake up in the morning?" "OH SHIT I GOT THAT"

Don't forget all those GOLD NOW websites and doomsday bunker timeshares.

The Mercedes logo, however, remains firmly affixed on Megatron's Butthole.

It's accepted that there was no fucking on those planes during 9/11. This film's producers wish to explore the supposition: what if there was fucking on the planes during 9/11?

I try to make it simple in my mind:

I'm already dreading the 12% increase in dick pill ads.

You forgot "Antonio Banderas hanging dong" and "find shaved local chicos"

I wouldn't exactly call them 'thoughts'…

At least actual baby dicks eventually turn into adult dicks. Baby Big Truck Pee-pee Boy, on the other hand…

For the upcoming Ultradark MCU, the spiderwebs are laced with roofies, just in case.

"These superheroes don't care about us! And I don't want no scrubs!"

My cabinet of fucks remains bereft of fucks to give these people.

But that was because he liked Kirk Cameron 7 years into the future. YOU CAN'T LIKE KIRK CAMERON OUTSIDE OF THE RULES OF SPACE-TIME.

I recall the first scene where Travolta-as-Troy-in-Archer's-body shows up at the jail to taunt Cage-as-Archer-in-Troy's-body.

Some of the best people are saying Donald Trump can't spell "CAT" if you spotted him a C and a T.