The Holy Hand Grenade

Basically if he's not acting across from Gillian Anderson, Dornan is a cut of old skirt steak that's been sent back to the kitchen in a diner during early bird special .

I see The Young Pope took a hard turn, a hard, sexy turn.

If Donald Fucking Trump can get elected president, then the A.V. Club can sure as shit give out A+'s. Next thing you know, they're grading shows like 2003 eBay reviews: A+++++++++!!!!1.

Oh, shit! I think we just figured out how his hair stays in shape.

I'm still waiting someone in the media to ask 45 if he swallows after blowing Putin.

Now I'm wanting Obama to be there and roast his ass for 45 minutes straight.

My highlight for that show was actually Keenan Thompson as the leader of Zimbabwe leaning hard into "you little white bitch!", split screen with Alec Baldwin looking like he shit his pants.

The first episode turned out to represent the rest of the show pretty well, and there's a handful of standalone episodes that are great while season 2 was probably the wall-to-wall best.

Hey, this cements America's status as land of opportunity. We even let illiterate borderline pedophiles lead us!

[Tattoo actually reads "DON'T THREAD ON ME"]


Don't give Donnie any ideas, since he's got the horrible shit aspect down pat.

Hey, that's a rude way to describe Donnie's micropeen.

Trump is a dickhead, but that's the end of his superficial similarities with Dikachu. Especially the color difference. Trump is only yellow on the inside.

At the same time, Canadian food processing plants have been going up like mushrooms.
< General Turgidson >
< / General Turgidson >

"Hey, I've been married to him 4 years and never saw his dick, so can't pass up the chance."

My personal theory is a bit simpler. As a businessman, trump habitually underpaid vendors and stiffed creditors, essentially daring them to sue and be litigious as fuck. He banked on the fact that the cost to hold him responsible is too great for the average person so he is likely to get away with it.

Contrary to popular belief, this is Nic Cage's natural state. The drugs were downers, man.

Also, deleted Uber and looking for ways to be more helpful. Being in a smaller red-as-fuck town has its drawbacks.

I saw Legend of Drunken Master (1994). There is no comparison for 1980's-1990's Jackie Chan. Also, finally got to set up recurring PP and ACLU donations in my mother's name - she approves.