The Holy Hand Grenade

I sincerely hope that this meme ends with Juggalos invading the Republican National Convention.

I don't want to turn this thread away from its original topic, but yeah.

Jesus, The Fisher King was the first time I physically reacted to a movie performance. Fuckin' Robin Williams.

Gia was pretty good too (no, not just the lesbian nudity, the film), and I think she did as well as you can expect from any actress in the first Tomb Raider movie. Also, I liked her in Mr. & Mrs. Smith way more than Pitt.

Maybe Pitt thinks it's good idea? Maybe he loves his wife and will put his own opinion aside to give her a chance to do what she wants?

I should clarify: "a chain restaurant in the middle of about six churches in a town with seven churches and eighteen divorce lawyers." The level of hypocrisy is sadly par for the course.

Eh, I've seen some decent folks but those are mostly new managers who just got promoted from the line or from the waitstaff. The higher-ups that show up for 3 minutes at the worst time of the shift and starts giving everyone shit for not having a spotless apron, though, can get fucked in the ear by a cactus.

Terrible Tales From Chain Restaurant Worker Time:

If you ever want to see a Greek lose his/her mind, just say "Bulgarian feta is wayyyyyyy better than the regular shit."

"Hey you guys got a TON of wedding guests from Greece!"

[this comment is being sampled by Kanye in a fit of inexplicable nostalgia]

Nuns are just like mice, so there's church nuns, house nuns, field nuns, gutter nuns, pizza nuns, Micky and Minnie nuns, guinea nuns, etc.

Are you talking about the article headline, or the thing I just ordered on eBay? Because I assure you, the most realistic dog costume will include dong.

[orders most realistic dog costume that can be found on eBay]

Because I'm a borderline hoarder, every now and then I have the option to take an old dot-matrix printer or a 1990s-era Dell out back and go all Office Space on it. Another time I threw away some stuff from a past failed relationship. (I'm saving my car's original license plate for a trip to the gun range.)

Fuck my 80-more-page-to-go-in-a-week dissertation workload.

Asian brand soy milk (Vitamilk or Yeoh), or water, straight up.

So you're actually a volunteer at Trump campaign HQ?

It's always time for Miyazaki. This weekend will be Miyazaki Weekend at my house.

That….makes it better.