
I appreciated the twist on the Romeo & Juliet story - that is, that it owns that the kids are probably being stupid, and lets the parents use the marriage to their advantage.



That pretty much looks like a woman whose face is painted like a Mexican sugar skull.

That pretty much looks like a woman whose face is painted like a Mexican sugar skull.

Those poor women should have gotten their shots…

I am panstshittingly excited for that.

I'm actually kind of disappointed about this. The Flintstones reboot was going to fill the hole in my heart shaped like a chicken nugget shaped like a dinosaur that Terra Nova's cancellation left.

Speaking of grabbing low hanging fruit: "…
 certain traditions stated that popes throughout the medieval period were required to undergo a procedure wherein they sat on a special chair with a hole in the seat. A cardinal would have the task of putting his hand up the hole to check whether the pope had testicles, or

High five!

The thing with the blanket = Charlie Brown Halloween reference.

I'm still not sure how JK Rowling conceiving of Dumbledore as gay, which was helpful to her in writing the character, but which she left out any reference at all to in the books, makes Dumbledore a gay character.

I'm excited to see this, but every fiber of my being feels guilty for being excited.

What is a Peter?

I was kind of turned off with the way this episode couldn't really decide whether or not it was okay to fetishize Latinos, and then has Ricky treat Schuster as a great guy for eliminating himself from a job he was embarrassingly underqualified for and handing it Ricky Martin, who is overqualified, if anything.

No mention of the most absurd part of this premise? The idea that somehow a man will find an easier time finding good paying work as a woman isn't borne out by any fact at all. I hate when the privileged claim persecution, and that goes for race/religion/gender.

On weapons: the 22nd century weapons they have seem to be mostly nonlethal.

1. Interviews with the showrunners seem to indicate that they're under the impression that their characters are already beloved and interesting.
2. If I had to shoehorn in a rationalization, I would say that Taylor realizes that the qualities that make Jim a good cop would make him a better leader than the qualities