
Might I suggest "Spye"?


The only thing I'd say is that it should invest in the crazy that's there instead of adding new crazy every single episode.

Why are they letting the baby Ankylosaurus go? This is infuriating. Hook it up to a plow! This colony makes absolutely zero sense!

Yes, you can cast the characters with the appropriate ethnicities as Heinlein wrote them.

Yeah, let the scariness do its own work.

Are we certain it's a remake of the subversive Verhoeven movie, and not a separate adaptation of the book?

Slings and Arrows!!!!!

As it stands, the choice to have the main character be a policeman stepping into an already established setting is ideal for so many reasons. He's stepped into a world with a strong, autocratic government that has been more or less sweeping crime under the rug. As a policeman he's tasked with not only protecting the

" The one answer is that this is the only alternate timeline they're able to access …"

Disagree - the best scene in this entire series so far is when Taylor applies his own brand of justice to the real perpetrator of the murder a few episodes ago. Holy crap - that gave us a phenomenal look at him. In fact, that entire episode contrasted Taylor with Jim in such a way as to really play up how scary Taylor

I hope that's not the case, because for me the most interesting parts of the show are when people are doing actual, real jobs in an out-there setting. When Jim is figuring out how to be a prehistoric dinosaur policeman and Elisabeth is trying to practice medicine, the show is its most successful, to me. I loved when

I keep holding out for the return of George's new driver…

Why oh why isn't this a show about building a State? Why isn't it about the role of police in the building of that State?

Sure, but no one calls them on it - there is no point where Yelchin's character says, "That's not going to end well." There is no scene where her parents say, beforehand, "You shouldn't do that" or afterwards, "Well you dug this hole yourselves." There is no pointing up of the entitled, privileged snobbery that comes

Great piece! Cited you elsewhere, in relation to the New York Times piece about entrepreneurs that make a ton of money with no English at all.

My biggest issue is that the characters make no sense given the demands the plot of the film makes on them. Forgetting for the moment the issues with the premise that the movie is based on, making Shakespeare a tremendous idiot and De Vere a shut in with sexy aspergers make the movie's basic premise ridiculous.

You know how people get mad when other people deny evolution and global warming?

"…for those willing to take the time to do the old fashioned stuff like read books and think for themselves…"

"Since she violated the terms of her student visa, she was not allowed to
reenter the United States "as a tourist" afterwards…"