
I've seen it - it keeps the general tone of the Murray film, albeit slightly sweetened up. The second act features a song in which Phil futilely commits suicide — on stage — in increasingly more disturbing ways — all the while singing "Never give up hope/Never let yourself be defeated/If you tried it once you can try

True, but Hispanic white is still white. Making it a separate race is a distinctly Western (and especially American) thing.

If there's a next season, can we PLEASE get reviews instead of damned recaps? Have some opinions, for crying out loud!

Technically, Hispanic isn't even a race - it actually only covers people of Spanish descent. To make the issue even more thorny, Latinx ALSO isn't a race; it's a heritage. Race is determined primarily by facial bone structure; if it was defined solely by skin color, an Italian-American would be a POC (since Italians

"Wait - you can hack into ANYONE'S computer?"
"I have these… friends. I can't say their names. Let's call them Jurors 1 through 12."
Made me guffaw. I never thought it possible, but I'm pretty sure Dwayne has better line readings than John Lithgow.

**four, actually: J'onn, James, Maggie, and Meghan. I know the last is back on Mars, but she's not dead and can very plausibly return to the roster.

I really hope that this doesn't mean we've lost Josie Davis as a character. Her background gags are priceless!

Your complaint about the talk-singing is applicable to pretty much all of Bloom's songs that have a whiff of either a ballad or a showtune, so…

Rachel Bloom is the TV equivalent of Andrew Lloyd Webber's lyricists - her stuff is mostly average, but every once in a while she'll throw you a curveball with something that's sheer genius. And even then, most of her music is ridiculously generic (like, for instance, the song in this very episode). It's almost like

What happened to The Mick reviews?!

Ah, but we DID see her superhero costume — she was front and center during the "JSA final mission" flashback.

I have to disagree with the grade. This definitely wasn't anything above a B, but it definitely doesn't dip into the C's.

There were a couple of good jokes in the first six minutes or so, but nothing else. This is really just "meh" so far.

Are we going to get a Count Olaf cameo?!

Brett Dier telling Rogeilo he was crazy by using a sock puppet had me in stitches!

"Never meet your heroes. They might turn out to be *friendly*."
That line - and Stephanie Beatriz's delivery of it - easily got one of the biggest laughs of the night.

Wikipedia, Miriam-Webster, and Urban Dictionary ALL confirm that a mullet is a haircut, not a lifestyle.

Except that I see Kryptonites vs Daxamites as being rooted in nationalism and social differences rather than racism. It's a lot like the relationship between England and France - two neighboring countries who for hundreds of years absolutely DESPISED one another. Each invaded the other dozens of times, fought multiple

What he's referring to is that "Hamilton" is a ridiculously biased account of a man that glosses over some pretty big aspects of the historical figure: he was incredibly elitist man who mistrusted the masses, loved big banks, wanted a monarchal presidency and lifetime appointments for senators, and the fact that, for

Wasn't there an unpowered Wild West superhero in the Justice League? Forget his name.