
…feelings she would never have had had Rafael not been coming onto her at every opportunity, knowing full well she was engaged.

"And friends, that's when Anezka remembered Magda's words: if you chase two rabbits, you catch neither. But then she remembered that one time… SHE DID!"
And smash cut to that photograph of Yael holding up two rabbits… I actually had to pause the show, I was laughing so hard.

I'd like to raise a glass to whoever's responsible for the casting. Surely I can't have been the only person who noticed the actor who played Sam's last name!

That's the problem when the creator of a celebrated/cult TV show goes on to create another successful, quality TV show: people are always comparing the new show to their previous output, and hero-worshipping any actors who may have appeared on the previous show - if only for an episode - if/when they appear on the new

But Major never shot him in the head. It was all chest wounds.

Re: animal brains, I'm guessing it's because the brains have to be the same species as the zombie, hence why the zombie rat ate rat brains, and not any of the human ones lying within easy reach.

After thinking about it for a little while, I kind of guessed that Ravi wouldn't be affected by the zombie rat bite, mainly because the rat was, well, a rat. I'm guessing that the victim has to be (a) roughly the same size, and/or (b) the same species as the zombie in order for it to get "zombie-fied," or else there's

Rogelio's wake-up alarm was hilarious. I laughed for a good twenty seconds afterwards! Anyone else catch Jaime Camil on Whose Line last week?

We do, actually - it happened in this episode. The tattoo was the reason Cal knew that Seth was trouble.

The writers have allowed her JUST enough humanity to render her very slightly sympathetic, so all the show has to do is sit back and let Yael Grobglas do her thing. I swear the woman has the most expressive face ever, in terms of how emotionally open she can be.

Usually, though, those ladies are lesbians. Here, Rose is into both men and women, a slight reversal.

Rafael could very easily be equating psychotic break with abandoning him. Also, when he told Jane about his mother abandoning him, she was still weighing whether or not to let him have the baby. The fact that he had a family history of mental unstability would most likely have tipped the scales against him at that

The question is, to what extent are wigs, extensions, and/or post-production touch-ups used on the show? Since the hair color and 'dos tend to match with the color palette/vibe of the show, I'm guessing it's about 50/50. To be more specific, I'm pretty sure it's 85/15 on the Passions of Santos set and around 60/40 at

Forget the narrator - this was quite possibly the best Rogelio episode so far. Jaime Campbell was in his element this week, and more screentime leads to more Rogelio de la Vega one-liners and expressions.

You obviously haven't watched many telenovelas, have you? :P
In all seriousness, though, I watched that scene and thought, "There's no *way* all that cement can harden that quickly." Far more likely is that someone happens by right after Rose leaves and rescues Emilio.

Not to mention the fact that Jane has somehow completely moved on from her boyfriend/fiance of two-plus years in the space of a few months. Surely that's gotta raise at least one or two red flags for Rafael the former playboy. Heck, Jane's MOM isn't even over Michael.
Since we're talking about a telenovela here, I

It popped up via on-screen text at the beginning of the episode.

I was surprised Katims didn't say, "The hell with continuity!" and reveal that Zoe was Victor's birth mom, seeing as it was the season finale and all.

You mean how many thirty- to fifty-year old first- and second-generation Mexican-American Catholics living in and around Miami do the writers think are that fundamentalist? Safe to say there's probably a good amount.