
The kids can call you "Ho Jew."

Hello, that sounds like a pig fainting!


What's that about Gabbo?

Literally everything about that exchange is beautiful.

"They seem like nice people, but they're clearly nerds." Is that it? Because the crueler Marge line in that episode is "No, I want those geeks out of my house."

Either Nabin IS confusing it with P&tP, or the controversy was that "Sweet Seymour Skinner" was The Simpsons' 100th episode, and FOX did a shitload of hype for it at the time…and then, while the episode was a good one, it wasn't a SPECTACULAR one.

I'll sell you this one, it's almost full.

OW! They're defending themselves somehow!

I don't care if it's a mistake, I love the phrase "The Head Exploding Head" far more than I should.

Yeah, but Harvard is a favorite target of The Simpsons writers, especially those who went there. I once saw Mike Reiss talk, and he said "If you want to simulate the Harvard experience, take hundreds of thousands of dollars and burn them."

The best part is the Terminator reference.

"You idiot! He was the most talented one!" might just be my favorite Homer line ever.

I'm afraid you're just too darn loud.


Tennesseein' is Tennebelievin'

Key Car Key Car Baloo Badoo Badoo
A-Billy Bob Billy Bob Billy Bob Billy Bob Billy Bob Billy Bob Red
A-Billy Bob Billy Bob Billy Bob Billy Bob Billy Bob Billy Bob Red
Key Car Key Car Baloo Badoo Badoo
A-Billy Bob Billy Bob Billy Bob Billy Bob Billy Bob Billy Bob Red
A-Billy Bob Billy Bob Billy Bob Billy Bob Billy Bob Billy

Key Car Key Car Baloo Badoo Badoo
A-Billy Bob Billy Bob Billy Bob Billy Bob Billy Bob Billy Bob Red
A-Billy Bob Billy Bob Billy Bob Billy Bob Billy Bob Billy Bob Red
Key Car Key Car Baloo Badoo Badoo
A-Billy Bob Billy Bob Billy Bob Billy Bob Billy Bob Billy Bob Red
A-Billy Bob Billy Bob Billy Bob Billy Bob Billy Bob Billy

Hey, they're playin' the elephant song!

And why didn't the elephant fly? It shoulda flew away and never returned because dinosaur. WHALE?