
Really? NOBODY mentions "How shall we fuck off, o lord?" from Monty Python's Life Of Brian?

I thought this was article was gonna be about how Ellen courageously came out as an energy expert with Bill Nye at EPCOT.

I freeze-framed through the entire list as a child (in the VHS era, no less!) and that one has always been my favorite. Barely a week goes by I don't remember it.

Here's why comedians love musicals: because musicals are, generally, meant to illicit an emotional reaction, and comedy is all about getting an emotional and intellectual reaction simultaneously. Editorial writing, on the other hand, is strictly intellectual. Musicals are awesome and "Paradise By the Dashboard Light"

This is wonderful news, and a damn beautiful song. I liked "Happy" just fine as a novelty, but I've been chomping at the bit for Fulks' next album of originals.


Fingers crossed that he changes his mind about funding Dr. Frink's death-ray…

Was it really stolen? Maybe Norman lit his lighter ten times in a row.

No Haunted Mansion?

They changed its name to Disneyland Paris in 1994; the mistake there was naming it "EuroDisney" when to most Europeans the term "Euro" implies currency and banks, not a fun vacation. But yeah, building in France was a mistake. There was actually a massive bidding war between France and Spain in the late '80s; Disney

So THAT'S why you burned down that orphanage. I was wondering…

They show clips from all three, plus the petting zoo from "Lisa the Vegetarian," in the line at Universal's Simpsons Ride.

Surly only looks out for one guy - SURLY!

Fun fact: They show at least a good third of this episode on monitors at The Simpsons Ride queue at Universal Studios, and on the name tag rack in the gift shop there's a spot for Bort name tags, which are (almost) always sold out.


I don't think anyone's "missed the joke" here, though there might be a bit of confusion as to who the joke is on. I guess the question really is, are the actual customers of Universal Studios Florida in their right minds or not? If they are, the joke's on the developers. If not, the joke's on the customers. Either

Have you been awake the last two decades or so?

Recently I showed a friend of mine season six for the first time. The S6 menus had police line-ups of characters from each disc's episode, and whichever disc had Homer The Great on it had Number One in the line.


What was I on?