
The one major film that opened the same weekend as UHF was When Harry Met Sally. But even that film, despite being another comedy, doesn't have THAT much crossover audience.

The one major film that opened the same weekend as UHF was When Harry Met Sally. But even that film, despite being another comedy, doesn't have THAT much crossover audience.

I want "Stop Forwarding That Crap To Me" played at my funeral.

I want "Stop Forwarding That Crap To Me" played at my funeral.

Also…YOUNG EINSTEIN was kinda the Young Einstein of the summer of '89, seeing as it too was released in the summer of '89 and all. One week before UHF was released, if memory serves.

Also…YOUNG EINSTEIN was kinda the Young Einstein of the summer of '89, seeing as it too was released in the summer of '89 and all. One week before UHF was released, if memory serves.

Lehrer's favorite line in the film is when Kevin McCarthy says "People like that should be put to sleep."

Lehrer's favorite line in the film is when Kevin McCarthy says "People like that should be put to sleep."

Al describes it on the commentary as "me doing a bad Sam Kinison."

Al describes it on the commentary as "me doing a bad Sam Kinison."

At the Weird Al fan convention "AL-Fest 2009" a few years ago, they had a UHF 20th Anniversary panel with Jay Levey, David Bowe, Gedde Watanabe and Victoria Jackson, and she made a complete cringe-inducing, deer-in-the-headlights idiot of herself. At one point she described first meeting Al: "I went up to him and

At the Weird Al fan convention "AL-Fest 2009" a few years ago, they had a UHF 20th Anniversary panel with Jay Levey, David Bowe, Gedde Watanabe and Victoria Jackson, and she made a complete cringe-inducing, deer-in-the-headlights idiot of herself. At one point she described first meeting Al: "I went up to him and

Fun fact: Al wrote and recorded "Let Me Be Your Hog" solely because they couldn't afford to pay for "Kung Fu Fighting."

Fun fact: Al wrote and recorded "Let Me Be Your Hog" solely because they couldn't afford to pay for "Kung Fu Fighting."

The funniest deleted scene is that scene, extended, in which Philo actually takes you through it:

The funniest deleted scene is that scene, extended, in which Philo actually takes you through it:


ME TOO I just know we're gonna be bestest friends forever oh look, a window WHOOPS I pushed you out of it you're dead that was fun.