
Licence To Kill and The Living Daylights were great Bond movies. Dalton was the man.

Parallels is a great f'in episode.

Lots of First Amendment experts in here. Impressive. Would be even more impressive if some of you same dolts didn't think the Park51 building was a first amendment issue. No one is trying to take away anyone's right to practice their religion. It is a property rights issue, has nothing to do with the first amendment.

If it ain't white people hating on black people, Spike Lee ain't interested.

If that tranny got kicked in the face it might make her better looking…

Peregrine is such a typical hipster doofus douchebag, the kind you'd see walking the streets of Williamsburg Brooklyn, the kind who's "over" everything and everyone, except her equally clueless hipster douchebag friends. Fuck her and her "spit" lisp. God it is fucking annoying when people have those kinds of lisps.

If I want a Chip Ahoy I'll have a Chip Ahoy!

1. Dalton
2. Connery
3. Craig
4. Lazenby
5. Moore

The Nolan defenders are hilarious. They get so ANGRY when you dismiss their master so flippantly.

Thanks, man! I always thought Moonraker was awful, just as popular opinion would have me think. I saw it once, didn't care for it, and that was that. But then I gave it another go and saw a lot of things that I appreciated about it. In my mind, it was the Ultimate Roger Moore Bond Film, and by that I mean it took

Good lord you are insufferable. I hereby apologize for having a belief and daring to actually believe it. Oh how I wish I could be like you, with a wishy washy personality who thinks anyone who takes a stance on a piece of art and actually defends that stance is an asshole, though we really know you just have a

I should know better than to feed the troll…

No, just that some opinions are better than others, in my opinion of course.

There's plenty of conflict inherent in M being a man.

Moonraker is very underrated. The space angle was a bit ludicrous, but in keping with the times, and everything that happened before outer space was great. It also featured a fantastic score, and captivating advertising campaign. Moonraker seriously had some of the best one-sheets of any of the Bond films. Moore is

Jesus Christ, do any of you even watch the movies? The Living Daylights starts out with three double-oh agents, 002, 004, and 007. One of them gets killed and the other gets hit by the paint gun during the exercise at the Rock of Gibraltar, while of course 007 saves the day by killing the spy killer.

Well, Nolan DOES stink, but at least you admit how awesome it would be to have a 1960's set Bond film again!

Touche, Castro, touche. Well played!

The Living Daylights was one of Barry's best scores. Such a shame they stopped using him, or he became disinterested, after Dalton's first outing. Though I dug Kamen's work for Licence to Kill.

Thanks, Yankee Deer, I'll check it out!