
His role in NBK is one of the all time greats. I miss the Oliver Stone that knew how to take chances and make dope shit.

"How 'bout fantasy land?"

I love when Libs complain that Republicans want to "grossly" invade your private life, when it is Libs who want to tell you what light bulb you're allowed to use, or what toilet you're allowed to buy. They want gays to be able to suck each other's cock in peace, but don't dare use that old light bulb or we'll fine

Senator_Corleone is correct. U-Turn is godawful. A completely boring mess.

Let us know what electronic music you find good, then we'll know if you have shit taste or if this is just an isolated instance of bad taste.

You know nothing. Lynch's two tunes on this disc are fantastic.


Leave it to Hollywood to make a love story starring a lesbian and a gay guy.

I actually love the note this ep ends on. Not only because of the way Data reacts, but if you pay attention, you'll see Picard reacts to the line about forgiveness as well, albeit in the background. I thought it was a nice little nod to the previous episode.

Dangerous Game
Can't believe you didn't ask him what it was like to be in an Abel Ferrara film in a scene with Keitel AND Madonna. That shit had to be nuts. Also, it was the funniest scene in the movie.

supertouch, you're wrong, but thanks for playing anyway. In your estimation, if I'm invited on MSNBC to comment on a story, I am then forbidden to donate to any political candidate, and that is bullshit. Or you're seriously going to sit there and say that MSNBC's rules prevent anyone who has ever been on their air

I know Mr. Greene, facts are such pesky things, especially when you don't agree with them. Sadly, you're wrong. But that's cool. Just go home, do a little homework, then maybe you can hang with the big boys who deal in reality, or are you going to tell me that Olbermann has Republicans on his show and debates them?

Plame was a desk jockey.

Uh, he did it before the policy was put in place. Do Liberals have something against facts or trying to find them out?

You're wrong. Buchanan is an analyst, he is not a host nor does he have his own show. And when Cup of Joe made his contribution, it was before NBC put the policy in place. What is it you Internet hipster nerds say in situations like this, oh yeah, FAIL!

Obama "created" 2 to 3 MILLION jobs? How did he do this? How does a president create jobs? I thought businesses create jobs? And if he created so many jobs, how did the unemployment numbers rise after he was elected? You guys are confused, silly little children.

So we've now become so desensitized to Liberals on air that Olbermann is considered a moderate Lefty? The guy is as far to the Left as some of you claim O'Reilly is to the right. He is not an extremist like Kucinich, but he certainly resides closer to him than he does Obama, for instance. Obama is a moderate Lefty who

Olbermann might scream if, like O'Reilly, he actually invited people on that he disagreed with. But he doesn't. His show is a far left echo chamber. What reason would he have to scream?

Wonder what all you Rush haters think of Keith Olbermann and Richard Maddow…

Emma Stone is better suited to play MJ? Seriously? The chick has a Down Syndrome face, doesn't exactly scream SUPERMODEL to me! She's gross.