
Avatar was easily one of the worst cinematic experiences I have ever had. Loved the opening in outer space, but once they got to the planet I may as well have been being water boarded for how torturously long the thing felt. And BORING. I don't ask for much from my movies, but I do ask that they entertain me and keep

It's just not good writing. It's all this post-ironic hipster horseshit, and the people eat it up, i.e. the masses are asses.

Here's a novel idea, why not make a Bond film set in the 1960's? Not in a kitschy way, but in a serious, hard edged way, with the Soviets back as the enemies. I think that shit would be bad ass in the right hands. Those hands definitely NOT being Nolan's, who has yet to make a good film despite being given carte

I also wish they'd bring back M's old office with the double padded doors. After Licence to Kill MI6 got too tech heavy and weird. That shit's fine for Q Branch, but not for M.

Mathis' exposition during the card game in CR was HILARIOUS! And I think the card playing sequence was the best part of CR, which for the most part was a bloated mess and retained Dench as M, which was a huge mistake.

People who badmouth OHMSS have no business calling themselves Bond fans. It easily ranks in the Top 5 or hell even 3 Bond films of all time. Lazenby was actually really good and could have made a great Bond if he wasn't such a douchebag in reality. I mean, no one can ever beat Timothy Dalton, who is, hands down, the

Quantum of Solace was the best Bond film since Licence To Kill. This is fact.

Care to explain, Castro?

Get rid of JUDI DENCH!
I swear, she is the worst thing about the last two Bond films. Call me sexist if you wish, but M is supposed to be a man, an old man, a father figure for Bond, who was an orphan, Bond's only ties to the old English ways of the world, the anti-thesis to our modern age. Judi Dench is the worst,

Dave Eggers is the WORST
Screw Dave Eggers, that guy has done more to destroy "literature" than most any other "writer" of the past decade.

Joe vs The Volcano is a fantastic film, and indeed I too had always wished they released a soundtrack.

Not Logged In, that was hilarious!

Jaclyn is the worst, how on Earth was that shit top two? Maybe that nonsense would have been shocking in 1940, but in 2010? Please, I see more shocking things on Facebook than that.

Glad other people thought the "but you will blow me first" line was hilarious.

Anytime Worf eats something gross and looks around to see others' disgust, then says "Delicious" is fine by me.

Rosie O'Donnell reminded me too much of that fat dude from Season 2 or 3 who made the cheez doodle and snicker bar amuse bouche. At least they got rid of her and didn't let her stick around like the fat dude.

There was coordinated intimidation campaigns at the Town Halls, except it was the Leftist UNION thugs who were carrying out said intimidation! There were no fights or violence by anyone at the Town Halls until the Union thugs showed up and started fist fights and beating up black men like Kenneth Gladney merely for

Are you one of those who'd fighting to get unpaid internships banned cause it violates minimum wage laws? I'm always surprised hoe many Americans think it's perfectly fine for the government to get in the way of a contract between a worker and their employer.

So I got the Canadian guy's position in government wrong, the point still stands. NO ONE goes to Canada to get shit done, if anything, they come to America. You know it, so just admit it.

Really? .5?