
Michael Clayton, the fact you can't see your own hatred and anger is quite hilarious. I love Libs who criticize in others what they themselves are guilty of, gloat about it, and think they've "won." How fucking pathetic are you? You've done nothing but hurl invective, derided anything from the right, and have yet o

If you actually have something to say, then I will rebut it. Your post above had no substance in it, so there was nothing to respond to, which must be a common thing in your life, being a nothing that no one feels the need to respond to.

Someone who feels the need to declare victory in a comment thread is truly beyond the pale.

Always the last refuge of a scoundrel, the old, tired "You're stupid so I won't waste my time" argument. Unfortunately, you're not fooling anyone except yourself, my dear.

So let's recap, I provide links, whether or not you like them is beside the point, that actually speak to the very subject we were talking about. What was the substance of the links I criticized? How intellectually dishonest are you? Those dolts provided links to things we were not even talking about, and then when I

And off to the showers for you too, Gern, as you seem incapable of admitting your dishonesty either.

It is a serious thing to threaten another's life, as I said, I did not mean to sound flip. But personal threats to people like us are way more serious than when it is aimed at a politician, cause they get that shit all the time. No one has ever threatened my life, but I would bet most politicians in national office

And the right failed to privatize social security for the same reasons the Left almost didn't pass health care, idiots on both sides LYING about what would happen. The right lied about death panels, which scared old people, and old people vote more than any other group. The Left scared old people by lying and saying

For a good look at what the minimum wage does to society, look here:

I can take being an asshole, but never an accusatory loudmouth. I accept your half hearted apology.

Yuggles, there was anger over spending, but cause it was "their" guy in office, they kept their mouths shut, as soon as "their" guy was gone they started yapping. They're total hypocrites, but it points to a larger problem from both parties, namely, tribalism. There's way too much of it.

Harmless cause most of the people getting death threats never actually come close to having any physical violence perpetrated against them, which is as it should be.

Whoever the anonymous poster above is, I agree death threats are a bad thing, but that is a violent ACT to you? A violent act to me is, I don't know, actual physical violence, not psychological violence. And you do know Republicans routinely get death threats as well, right? Most of them, on both sides, are from

Mr. Clayton, oh where to begin. How about at the end? I am against all unnecessary foreign wars that have little to do with American interests. Therefore, i was against the first Iraq War, I was against the war in Bosnia, I was against the Afghanistan incursion, as well as the Iraq one. All unnecessary in extremis.

Ktotwf - I agree for the most part with what you're saying. Some things, in my opinion, are just self evidently true.

What does race matter? We're all humans and belong to one race if you ask me.

No, only you and a few others are crazy with your nonsense conspiracy theories. But thanks for playing.

teadoust, wow, bravo, linking to the democraticunderground site! I certainly didn't expect that, oh wait, yes I did, cause you're a partisan extremist. I know it's hard for people like you to deal with people like me, who aren't easily placed into any categories. I mean, how can i support lower taxes and gay marriage?

Really? That's actually pretty nice of her.

First of all, where did I defend Tea Parties? All I was doing was pointing out the rank hypocrisy of the Left when it comes to criticizing right wing protests.