
teadoust, when you plan on joining the rest of the human population, let the rest of us know, until then, take your crackpot theories about the 2000 election and shove them where the Sun don't shine, that is, if there is a Sun on the planet you inhabit.

Can't believe I'm actually going to respond to the Cookie Monster, but here goes:

Yeah she's a Liberal , and as such, it is considered impossible for her to be a racist. Republicans are de facto considered racists by the Left, and the Left was ready before Obama even got elected to use the racism shit as soon as he started getting criticized.

Or she could just be an asshole.

And we are to believe you because….you say it's so?

Agreed, 100%.

Mandaliet, agreed completely. I hate right wingers who can't even have a discussion about abortion or gay marriage without getting all in a huff. Same with left wingers who can't discuss economics or global warming.

Obama got elected because he pretended to be a centrist. America is not a progressive friendly country, especially when we all know progressive is just a way for Libs to re-brand themselves. No one is fooled. Whether you like it or not, America is a generally conservative country that does not like sweeping, broad

So Janeane acted like a typical elitist asshole who has no time for the little people? That's surprising, she seems so approachable.

So what did all of you think about the Bush as Hitler signs? What about the sign showing Bush as a chimpanzee? That was totally cool and rational right? Right? Anybody?

Joe Kickass, were the war protesters an anti-semitic fringe group?

ElDan - where am I defending the pissers? Seems lately I've been defending MYSELF from people trying to play gotcha, but failing miserably.

borden grote - I've no reason to doubt your account of working with Smigel, obviously my friend's experience differed. I had another friend who worked as a producer on that Funhouse shit, and while she didn't love him, she didn't hate him like the dudes in props. Why? I have no idea, just the way it goes I guess.

Oh Ned, you and your gotcha games. As usual, it is someone who is too lazy to register a name that tries to play gotcha.

Measure of a Man is one of my favorite episodes of any Star Trek incarnation. And Riker is really good in this ep, from the aforementioned scene when he discovers the off switch, to him apologizing to Data during the trial.

Nope Noodles, if you read the post you'd have noticed that it was back in the day. They have moved on from that job, otherwise you'd have been correct. But as is, you're wrong.

It's funny how sensitive some of you are.

Uh, obviously none of you ever worked at NBC. There's a prop department, and it serves both SNL AND Conan when he was there. Believe the story or don't believe it, either way, that doesn't change the veracity of what I told you. I'm not going to defend the pissers, but to just leap to the defense of some asshole comic

I thought it was pretty f'ed up myself, but then, I never had to deal with the guy. One of my buddies is the nicest, most positive guys, never has a bad word for anybody, and even he hated Smigel with a passion, and participated in said pissing.

Goldmember was pretty funny, much better than Spy Who Shagged Me…