
Really funny guy, but also…
A monumental dickhead. I know a few people that used to work in the prop department at SNL back in the day and they really just loathed the guy. He treated people terribly, thought he was the hottest shit around, and was just a miserable human being that actively tried to make others around

What the hell does race have to do with anything? It should be about who can cook, period.

The best part is that she calls that guy a hick, even though she's from GEORGIA!!! What a dope…

His mother in law has this foot thing.

Nothing beats Stevie in State of Grace
I'll always remember him as Stevie in State of Grace. Great performance by Reilly. He can't pay the goombas because his "Mother in law has this foot thing." Classic Stevie.

I don't know which was more horrific, the bugs or Dina Meyer's fried egg tits. Such a shame that a girl with such an amazingly beautiful face has some of the ugliest fun bags I have ever had the displeasure of seeing.

You guys are clearly insane if you think The Simpsons is better than any of the other three. That show stopped being funny right around 1997…

The show is hilarious. Cleveland Jr. is an amazing character, as is his father, Cleveland Brown.

Miami Vice
How can you not mention his awesome turn as Alonzo in Miami Vice? Or ask him about the batshit insanity that supposedly went on during the filming? Would be curious to hear his take on Michael Mann's directing style, and what it was like to walk onto a highway and get creamed by a speeding semi, preceded by

His episode of the X-Files where he played a writer who crushed on Scully was amazing work.

Skinny? Dude, you need to get your eyes checked. Chick is a bag of bones. She'd probably get insulted if you called her skinny cause that would imply she at least had 1% of meat on them bones…

Kinopio, there are definitely some great women chefs, no doubt, and Ana Sortun is one of them. But to pretend like it breaks down 50-50 the way Top Chef does, is just ridiculous.

Not to get off topic, but Ab Aeterno was a huge letdown for an episode people have been waiting years for. And Beowulf WAS one of the best movies of the 00's.

Good to see I'm not the only one who hasn't lost their marbles.

Yeah but as was already said, regular Top Chef contestants get TORCHED for using store bought sausage or pasta or what have you. I also was pissed they even let her go back to get her stew. I mean, if the producers don't even give a shit about the pretense of a competition, why should we the viewer?

Eva Mendes looks like a post-op tranny. Hot body, but her grill is fucking busted as hell. And what, it's only her or Jessica Alba? When did that become the choice? I don't care who they cast, the Mendes character was terribly written, and wholly unbelievable. Which isn't surprising, considering the script IS terribly

This episode pissed the ever living shit out of me! She makes a dish whose main ingredient is store bought sausage, and not only does she move on, but she wins the challenge? Gimme a break. Just like last season of this nonsense, they have to make sure as many women advance as do men. Which is patently ridiculous,

Warren Oates, agreed.

Rescue Dawn was not a great film, but it was good, and it was 1,000,000 times better and more entertaining than BL POCNO.

Are all of you seriously out of your minds? This is easily Herzog's worst movie, which is saying something. The whole film is a bad joke. The script was atrocious. Eva Mendes? Who thinks this dope can act? The scene with her and Stifler's Mom yelling at each other was probably some of the worst acting I have ever seen.