milkproof robot

[ ] Spite
[ ] Malice
[✓] Revenge
[ ] Boredom
[ ] Profit

He should at least have the good taste to mince around and let everyone know that he's… that way.

Get Confident, Stupid!

MacArthur Parker being played by Jeff Goldblum always makes me think of the Weird Al song "Jurassic Park".

That's right, boys; Troy's back from the gutter, and he's brought someone with him!

I'm sure at least 40% of it just straight doesn't give a fuck.

Oi! Why you gnawin' me arm? Is you bent or sumfink?

So will the Halftime Show feature 50/50 Cool J?

And what about the puppy dog factory?

Dave Shutton, Springfield Daily Shopper. Who are you? Where are you going?

What'd I say? Mural! What's it called? Mural!

The End.
Gregor Clegane will return in… Maester No

I wonder if this Homer Sampo is any relation.

Does Albert Hitchcock stealing your thoughts count as intellectual property theft?

I don't need any more money, I'm not greedy. As long as I've got my health, and my millions of dollars and my gold house and my rocket car, I don't need anything else.

"Get out of Bumtown, you bum!"

The AV Club
Not a regular bum… a genius bum

For a more exotic flair to your special day, here's a tip from the Dothraki to keep your guests from considering it a dull affair.

The Sloppy Jimbo recipe seems like it would be really expensive.

I mean, uh… immoral.

Well, it will be nice to finally see Strong Belwas, but he deserves better than that.