The Ghost of ASAC Schrader

"And if Mad Men has taught us nothing, it’s that being upscale makes you immune to life’s disappointments."

Barristan Selmy. Dude's seen some shit.

*cough* wight *cough*

Hit yourself in the balls and yell

Come hither, peasant

How mind blowing would it be if George revealed the Starks have all been dead the whole time, Sixth Sense style

When will Game of Thrones be canceled?

*Wyman Manderly glares*

It reminds me of that weird, pronating wave beauty pageant contestants do.

It's certainly not for everybody. It can be ponderous, but for me it's like this great, warm sea that stretches on and on, so lived in and real, I just vanish into it. I love it.

George's prose and literary chops are SORELY fucking underrated.

I love how they gave Jaime and Joffrey pretty much the same haircut. It's such a great sight gag, them standing across from each other looking vaguely like time traveling versions of each other.

I bet he hates named swords because Gregor named his sword once and he decided everyone who names theirs is a cunt

That is genuinely my favorite line reading in the entire show. Peter Drunklage strikes again.

This makes me so happy. The fact that this show will one day end makes me sad.

A Roof, A Pizza, and A Dream: From Hal to Heisenberg

As a citizen of the state of Iowa, let me just say that I would MUCH PREFER Game of Thrones to shoot here instead of Girls. Dunham's no Dinklage.

From HBO to AOL: The Steve Buscemi Story

Don't worry, those are just the meth-heads. When the meth-heads come, they bring the cold, and the Long Night.

I'm surprised no one's really gone to bat for the Breaking Bad intro