The Ghost of ASAC Schrader

I actually love this song. I think you guys are knee jerk reacting a little too hard. Sure the first few seconds are a little indiepop cliche with the dance-y beat, but its picks up fantastically from there when the awesome theremin-esque synth kicks in.

Drive doesn't shy away from the brutality of violence. That's what makes it succeed for me, his character isn't meant to be realistic necessarily. It sort of tongue-in-cheek portrays Gosling as this uber-compentent badass criminal while simultaneously horrifying you with the pointlessness of violence by sticking your

This is a point in its favor for me. The whole thing just drips with this syrupy sense of modern alienation.

It's intentionally mythic and surreal, which is why I find it so refreshing. I'm kind of over films with realistic portrayals of human beings. Human beings fucking suck. I watch movies to ESCAPE human beings.

*steeples fingers*

Business as usual, got it.

Fuck I love this movie. It's one of the most underrated films of all time IMO.
There's something so different about it. The long pauses. The silences between dialogue. The fuzzy, trance-y, electronic score. It lets its scenes breathe. It's visuals are so powerful. Strange comparison, but it's dead, black, pulsing

Don't forget Chekov's gun and 749 complaints about what the show SHOULD have done differently and the lack of dimensions on minor characters and racism and sexism and homophobia and politics *hangs self*

"…that will automatically upload your every thought and action to Google's
main data hub in a remote location of the Rocky Mountains."

Oh no! This is my favorite show on TV!

Implying Star Wars wasn't already ruined by the prequels

Not as sexy as LaserDick

I've nearly finished reading Feastdance on a re-read of the series and god damn it is just spectacular. Individually both books have weaknesses but taken as one massive tome it's a fucking masterpiece. The sense of scale is staggering.

-Tyrion beheads Sansa then gets swallowed whole by Drogon
-Danaerys chokes Cersei to death as they fall off the highest tower of the Red Keep
-Jaime becomes king then Arya puts needle through his throat making her the Kingslayerslayer then gets trampled to death by a mammoth
-Jon Snow slays Ramsay Bolton (who is the

8-bit? More like 2-bit!

Bill Pullman and Bill Paxton

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and the baby from Eraserhead

Only if they sing the entire season, Les Miz style

Because they're good actors and I like them? Also, a racial dynamic could be interesting.

Only if you want to get real sexy with it