The Ghost of ASAC Schrader

Counter Offer: How about I give you 20$, and you give me a copy of the Winds of Winter

Is "half a pack of Mentos" some kind of weird penis euphemism?


Next season will star Sylvester Stallone in the Judge Dredd Wedding.

I died laughing at "CROP LEFT SIDE". You could still see the blood spilling out.

True Story: George R.R. Martin killed off Peter's mullet. They called the Bedhead Wedding.

God damn it man, me too.

Was that… optimism? From Dolorous Edd? Easily the most shocking moment of the episode.

Technically, he crushed dehead not defeat

This fight scene is basically what I imagine would happen if a Street Fighter character fought a Mortal Kombat character.

The Mountain comes from the hands on school of optometry.

So, if The Mountain is Gallagher, does that make The Hound, like, Gallagher 2?

The Mountain: Delivering the world's greatest headache cure since 266 AC

That was so horrible. It reminded me for some reason of Jackie trying to hold JFK's skull together. Nightmares.

The beetle scene was fucking hilarious.

Okay between Arya's Heisenberg Crawl Space laugh, the unending beetle smashing, Sansa sexin' it up for Littlegfinger, Reek, Ramsay causually flaying the Ironborn like cattle, Ygritte slicing up a bunch of Mole's Town prostitutes like Jack the Ripper and The Mountain enacting the world's grittiest reboot of the Three

Well, I'm gonna borrow a line from Bert Cooper on this one:

He looks like a cross between Bruce Jenner and Conan O'Brien


Considering they all seem to be fucking each other, you'd think they'd bother to ask each other their names once in a while.