The Ghost of ASAC Schrader

"Definition: One is tempted to define an organic meatbag as a
rational animal who always loses his temper when he is called upon to
act in accordance with the dictates of reason." - HK-47

Wasn't there a line about how he wore a hat (though he wasn't wearing one in the scene where they showed him painting the school, but that doesn't mean anything)? He probably got paint on his sleeves and rubbed it on his ears when he wiped off his sweaty head. It's fucking hot in Louisiana after all.

Michael Fassbender and Giancarlo Esposito

My dead serious suggestion for next year's leads:

Pizzolatto said there was more Joseph Conrad in this show than Robert Chambers or Lovecraft, so you're heart of darkness comment is very apropos.

The sheer force of will to headbutt Errol down WHILE BEING SUSPENDED IN THE AIR ON A KNIFE THROUGH HIS FUCKING GUTS. WOW. That sequence was my favorite scene in the whole show with the hallucination and Marty catching that hammer in chest. On his HART! HA!

It was deeper, warm, like a substance.

I'm just glad Neil Tyson didn't make flowers on anybody

You should've watched True Detective

More like Lena ATEham! LOL amiright?

Oh my god, is this like a dateline Chris Hansen thing?

He's the only person in the cast who's naturally hilarious. Honestly, the cast is rough right now. I kind of hope they clean house and start over next year.

That's got nothing on my theory that Don is a Cave Dwelling Lizard Person sent back in time to stop the assassination of JFK, but forgot his mission when the anti-Semitic president of the Hershey Chocolate corporation sent a bunch of hookers over to distract him

Good one! You've got a real EYE for pop culture references.

What a great tagline for the show:

I just realized To Catch a Predator would have been twice as funny if Chris Hanson came out dressed like a ninja.

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SPOILER: Carcosa is Pizza House

I won't avert my eyes. Not again.

I am in awe of Nic Pizzolatto. What a great writer this guy is.