The Ghost of ASAC Schrader

Probably both.

"The victims, all of us, are doomed to Sisyphean circles and circles of mental and physical torture. :-)"

C? Really?

Downvoted for prejudice against the hearing impaired

"Forced to relive the trauma over and over again."

This was my favorite line of the entire show far. Rust is the coolest motherfucker on the planet.

You realize the cop that pulled you over is none other then Rustin Cohle.

He's got a nice circle in hell.

That line was so jarring, it was almost like Rust popped out of the screen and was speaking directly to the viewer

As someone who was born in 1989, I find the nostalgia over all the kids movies and shows from the 90s baffling. Most of my fond childhood memories are from watching shit like Terminator 2, Army of Darkness, Pulp Fiction, MST3K, The Matrix, etc etc

As long as there's real drama, yes. A doctor worrying about a stranger in an ER dying isn't drama, its a job hazard. Somebody watching their alcoholic father drink themselves to death, that's real human drama, but TV has to be so safe and dull and boring. There always has to be some bullshit hero narrative, cop saves

"A show about a Marketing Exec struggling over which font to use in a PowerPoint deck wouldn't be too exciting."

So, is there literally just some super powerful autistic executive who sits down in a room with a sheet of paper every week and just writes down

Well if I was a betting man, I'd hazard a guess that the murders are part of some bullshit occult conspiracy designed to cover up a real motive (maybe something to do with human trafficking in light of what they found at Reggie Ledoux's compound?).

"With all that dick swagger you can't spot crazy pussy?" - Rust Cohle, Marriage Counselor

"Ice road truckers. What happens on that one?"

I think you mean privy seat with a basket of herbs and sandalwood, while eating a greasy black sausage congealed in a trencher of hardbread served on a Gilded Platter inlaid with niello and lapis lazuli as the lord of Harrowmont fastened on his bronze gorget over a shirt of silvered ringmail and and donned his scaled

Well, those years on the Narco beat paid off I guess.