
hell yeah there is.

4. Erection, NC

it was a roundabout way of saying Goo and Dirty might sound dated. they do to me, anyway.

far out, daddy-o

and miss Hey Joni?
fuck that.

their debut EP (self-titled) is also interesting, in its own way. plus, it has actor Richard Edson on drums.

i saw it (in Buffalo)

i can agree if i interpret that to mean "Daydream Nation on a loop".

IMO, the problem with Goo and Dirty is that, to someone from the 2010's, they're going to sound like 90s college rock. they were produced to fit right in with the times.

Sonic Death, 1984
being so early in their career, though, it's some pretty tough sledding. definitely not a good place to start.

this seems unnecessary.

well, the show is based on an Irsaeli series.

it's not a coincidence.

and that Dana stuff has had absolutely zero effect on anything else that has happened. and it could have taken place at any time with respect to the rest of the events.

and that's a good skill to have

a reporter with a well-known bias did a sensationalist story, based around trivially-falsifiable claims, which played up to that bias. while, at the same time, a different branch of the same company was publishing a book based on those same fraudulent claims. to me, that suggests an agenda.

…or are named Jesus.

yeah, didn't you get the telegram?

Logan is a neo-con BringTheWarToThem type - even before her horrific ordeal in Egypt. so, she doesn't like Obama much.

last i heard, that book had been torpedoed ("suspended") by these revelations.